hi, I will attach the guideline for the assessment there are 2 tasks for the ta

hi, I will attach the guideline for the assessment there are 2 tasks
for the task 1 the topic i have choose is 🙁 Understanding Exchange Rate Policy Settings)
and for task 2 you have to see the link for the course (and write Maan Al Wahaibi for the certificate)

Discussion assignment 10 1313 unread replies.1313 replies. The required reading

Discussion assignment 10
1313 unread replies.1313 replies.
The required reading this week is Work Won’t Love You Back “Ch. 10 – It’s All Fun and Games: Sports” (291-319).
There are two parts to this discussion assignment. Each part is worth 15 points. Clearly separate Parts 1 and 2.
Part 1 – Reading Question
writes that “women athletes, more than men, are told that sports should
be done for love, not money” (305). Provide at least two examples from
the chapter that illustrate how this idea has been used against athletes
who have fought for fair pay and working conditions.
develop your answer using examples from the text including quotations,
paraphrase, and summary. Follow MLA rules when citing information from
the book. In MLA, you must include the page numbers when quoting from a
book. Do it at the end of the sentence in parentheses like this (#). See
the course modules on MLA in-text citation.
Your answer to Part 1 must be at least 250 words. Here is a Quick Guide on MLA in-text citation and incorporating quotations.
Part 2 – Analyze persuasive rhetoric
at least one pro-union and one anti-union argument made in the
Starbucks unionization campaign and analyze the persuasive appeals made
by each.
Which persuasive appeals do they use: logos, ethos, or
pathos? The arguments might use one or more of these appeals. Explain
which appeals are used in each of the arguments and support your
analysis with specific examples including quotations, paraphrase, or
Your answer must be at least 250 words.

The “World’s Most Admired Company” In this module, the role of the corporate he

The “World’s Most Admired Company”
In this module, the role of the corporate headquarters in a multibusiness company — in particular, how the corporate headquarters can create value for the individual businesses. This necessitates examining the role of the corporate headquarters and its relations with individual businesses. For this week’s assignment, review CASE 13
How Do You Solve a Problem Like General Electric?, Chapter 13 (in your textbook).
Remember: A case study is a puzzle to be solved, so before reading and answering the specific case study questions, develop your proposed solution by following these five steps:
Read the case study to identify the key issues and underlying issues. These issues are the principles and concepts of the course module, which apply to the situation described in the case study.
Record the facts from the case study which are relevant to the principles and concepts of the module. The case may have extraneous information not relevant to the current course module. Your ability to differentiate between relevant and irrelevant information is an important aspect of case analysis, as it will inform the focus of your answers.
Describe in some detail the actions that would address or correct the situation.
Consider how you would support your solution with examples from experience or current real-life examples or cases from textbooks.
Complete this initial analysis and then read the discussion questions. Typically, you will already have the answers to the questions but with a broader consideration. At this point, you can add the details and/or analytical tools required to solve the case.
Case Study Questions:
What were the key challenges faced by General Electric in the early 2000s, and how did the company respond to these challenges?
How did General Electric’s corporate strategy change under the leadership of Jeff Immelt, and what were the implications of these changes for the company’s various business units?
What role did divestitures play in General Electric’s corporate strategy, and how did the company decide which businesses to sell off?
How did General Electric allocate resources across its various business units, and what factors influenced these resource allocation decisions?
How did General Electric leverage synergies across its different businesses, and what benefits did this approach offer the company?
Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:
Be 4 to 5 pages in length, which does not include the required title and reference pages, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.
Use academic writing standards and APA style guidelines.
Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles unless the assignment calls for more.

Motivation This week, we learned about motivational strategies and why to use di

This week, we learned about motivational strategies and why to use different strategies with different cultures. For this discussion, choose a country other than your own(Saudi Arabia), and then decide which of the Motivation Theories described in the chapter would be the best to use with employees in that country. Then give an example of a motivational technique you would use as a manager to motivate your employees.
Use APA7 style. Cite your textbooks and cite four other sources if appropriate.
Your initial post should address all components of the question with a 500 word limit.
Reply to at least two discussion posts with comments that further and advance the discussion topic.

Project Management You are the project manager and need to compose an SOW for cl

Project Management
You are the project manager and need to compose an SOW for clients who want you to develop a Kickstarter.com site for their project, as discussed in the chapter.
Start off by composing an SOW using a standard SOW template that you found and downloaded from the Internet. Use Tom’s Planner (https://www.tomsplanner.com) or other free Gantt chart software to create a Gantt chart for your project. Share your Gantt chart for the project as an attachment and as an image – discuss how a Gantt chart can improve projects that you work on.
Assume that after your clients review your SOW and Gantt chart, they request that you discount the price 20%. Based on the triple constraints, discuss how you would respond?
Use APA7 style. Cite your textbooks and cite four other sources if appropriate.
Your initial post should address all components of the question with a 500 word limit.
Reply to at least two discussion posts with comments that further and advance the discussion topic.

I want a paragraph that compares this website user interface based on UX user ex

I want a paragraph that compares this website user interface based on UX user experience and to find issues and compare them with user interface based on UX these are the standards to compare
Platform Conventions
Responsive Design
Navigation and Information Architecture
Error Handling
Internationalization and Localization
Visual Design and Branding
Content Hierarchy
User-Centered Design
This is the website https://detailsabaya.sa/
For example the the colours are contrast black and white etc
I want clear paragraph Lastly give recommendations to improve the overall user interface

The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated

The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder.
Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.
Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
Late submission will NOT be accepted.
Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
All answers must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism.
Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted

LINK THE BOOK https://drive.google.com/file/d/1I47Oyl5ccti7FIiv3… I went over

LINK THE BOOK https://drive.google.com/file/d/1I47Oyl5ccti7FIiv3…
I went over the format for this assignment
-Introduction paragraph
-Respond to each question in the assignment each with an APA heading.
-Reference – APA style
– with 4 references peer reviewed at least and book source
-an example
Module 13: Discussion
Project Management
You are the project manager and need to compose an SOW for clients who want you to develop a Kickstarter.com site for their project, as discussed in the chapter.
Start off by composing an SOW using a standard SOW template that you found and downloaded from the Internet. Use Tom’s Planner (https://www.tomsplanner.com) or other free Gantt chart software to create a Gantt chart for your project. Share your Gantt chart for the project as an attachment and as an image – discuss how a Gantt chart can improve projects that you work on.
Assume that after your clients review your SOW and Gantt chart, they request that you discount the price 20%. Based on the triple constraints, discuss how you would respond?
Discuss the concepts, principles, and theories from your textbook. Cite your textbooks and cite any other sources if appropriate.
Your initial post should address all components of the question with a 500 word limit.
Reply to at least two discussion posts with comments that further and advance the discussion topic.