Assignment brief: PLEASE USE FIGURES, DIAGRAM, and GRAPHS from report to help di

Assignment brief:
PLEASE USE FIGURES, DIAGRAM, and GRAPHS from report to help discussion and further proove points.
Use sample essays provided as examples:
Select an industry which includes business and commercial organisations OR not-forprofit social organisations in the local economy (based in the United Kingdom UK) (e.g. tourism, automotive, food, retail, medical, healthcare, personal care and so on), using local organisations as exemplars, evaluate the extent to which the industry is embracing the concept of sustainability.
Report length: no more than 2000 words excluding references and appendices
Structured report, presented in an appropriate business manner, Including:
Executive summary Introduction – a brief descriiption of your chosen industry and an overview of the major trends related to sustainability (use reliable business reports from business databases)
Main body – detailed information about approaches of exemplar companies within the industry toward sustainability. Use the triple bottom line framework: this frame work is described in more detail in
Or the slides provided.
to analyse sustainability management approaches and activities of the exemplar companies.
Concluding remarks – summary of the analysis and recommendations
References: all sources should be from: Reliable Reports (e.g. Business Databases)
Report Criteria:
The nature, characteristics and prominent features of the industry and sustainability are explained clearly
Appropriate conceptual frameworks are identified and applied to selected organisations representing the industry –
The strategic aims and goals of selected organisations representing the industry are explained in the context of enacting sustainable strategies
Valid recommendations and explanations for the development of future sustainability strategies are presented with supporting evidence
The report is presented in accordance with common conventions, including citations to peer reviewed journals, company documents, business databases, etc. using Harvard referencing style
More tips:
Title : Should be clear and descriiptive, but not too long
Tables and Figures : Should be numbered in the order they are cited in the text. Insert figures into the document near where they are discussed.
Each figure or table MUST have a legend/caption.
Referencing: Use Harvard Style for both in-text citations and the reference list
Some industry ideas I am interested in, in no specific order: i am open to suggestions, whatever you thinkworks best and can be thoroughly discussed in the context of the UK.
Food and Beverage: This industry is extensive in the UK, with a strong focus on sustainable farming practices, organic production, and reducing food waste. You might look at how supermarkets and restaurants are prothink worksmoting local sourcing, reducing packaging, and implementing waste management systems.
Tourism: The UK has numerous heritage sites and natural landscapes, making tourism a significant industry. You can focus on how tourism operators are implementing sustainable practices to preserve these sites, such as managing visitor numbers, promoting eco-friendly accommodations, and supporting local economies.
Automotive: Especially with the shift towards electric vehicles, the automotive industry in the UK is a good case for studying sustainability. Look at how manufacturers are transitioning to electric vehicles, improving energy efficiency, and using sustainable materials.
Construction: This industry in the UK is increasingly adopting green building practices. You could examine the incorporation of energy-efficient designs, use of sustainable materials, and construction practices that minimize environmental impact.
Fashion and Textiles: The UK’s fashion industry is increasingly moving towards sustainability, with a focus on reducing waste, recycling materials, and promoting ethical labor practices. Investigate how brands are adopting these practices and the impact on their operations.

Write a dissertation of 12,000 words on the topic of “Leadership Behavior And Ho

Write a dissertation of 12,000 words on the topic of “Leadership Behavior And How It Impacts Staff Retention”. Please see the attachments further instructions and grading details. I have also attached the research proposal which has more information about what the dissertation must entail. Additionally, I have attached feedback that was given on the research proposal, please ensure that this feedback is taken into consideration when completing the dissertation. I have also attached results from a questionnaire that was done to provide data for my dissertation.

For this task, you will assess your personal leadership effectiveness using emot

For this task, you will assess your personal leadership effectiveness using emotional intelligence, leadership skills, and character strengths. You will complete three self-assessments for this task: 360° Refined™ Leadership Test, CQ Pro Assessment, and VIA Character Strengths Survey. Additionally, you will write a paper assessing and explaining your results of the three assessments and your own leadership effectiveness using a scholarly leadership theory. Finally, to help you develop as a leader, you will create a personal leadership profile.

Please write a 3-page essay to reflect on your CAPSIM simulation. Please note al

Please write a 3-page essay to reflect on your CAPSIM simulation. Please note all your previous decisions can be found in “Decision Audit”. The results from each round can be found at Reports -> Industry Reports ->Capstone Courier. Therefore, you can identify previous mistakes, if any. Address the following questions:
How is the company’s performance? Give the numbers, such as cumulative profit, round 3 revenue, profit, contribution margin, if there is emergency loan, and the five customer survey scores. How do the numbers compare to competitors?
What is your strategy (cost leadership or differentiation)? How is it supposed to work? Does it work as intended? If not, explain the reasons in detail.
If you were to run the simulation again, what would you do differently?
Is there any additional learning from this simulation?

Write a 3,500-word paper focusing on the challenges of implementing CSR in the a

Write a 3,500-word paper focusing on the challenges of implementing CSR in the age of globalization. Be sure to address the following:
What globalization is.
How globalization has affected markets worldwide.
Markets that have been displaced by globalization.
The unique challenges globalization presents to the implementation of a CSR policy. (e.g., how does globalization make it difficult to implement a CSR policy?)
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

The paper is already done (file attached). But im missing the references. I need

The paper is already done (file attached). But im missing the references. I need to resubmit, I got graded 77/100. I attached the rubric and explanation why I lost so many points.
I don’t need a new paper. Please just make sure this paper follows all the instructions attached so I don’t lose all those points again.
All instructions are attached. Please read the instructions carefully. I had to send a few assignments back for revision, due to not following the instructions.
**Important Points to Consider
• Length of assignment: 10 pages minimum
• 10 pages is approximately 2,500 words of content, that does not include the Title Page, Table of Contents, Abstract, or References. Absolutely no tables or figures or columns must be included as they will not count toward the 10 full pages [2500 words] minimum – only written content will earn credit.
• Format of assignment: APA Format
• Number of citations: 10 citations
• Acceptable sources include references from reputable professional and/or scholarly journals and/or informational venues that deal with the content of the course (i.e., not blogs, Wikipedia, newspapers, etc.).
• Use the following as the exact title of your paper:
• “Hofstede Analysis Comparison between the USA and < insert nation name>“

According to your text, one of the critical questions used to define strategy is

According to your text, one of the critical questions used to define strategy is “Why are firms different?” Select two companies with similar products/services and describe at least two differences between them.
Discussion 2
Provide two examples of leadership styles, and how to improve communication from leaders within organizations using those styles.

Utilize the resources provided in the study materials along with your own resear

Utilize the resources provided in the study materials along with your own research to address the following questions in an 800-1,000 word paper. Part 1 – Trends and Challenges Identify three current human resource trends that are influencing change in the workplace. Provide examples relative to technology and social media influences. Articulate HR’s role in addressing and managing change driven by these trends. Part 2 – Employment Laws Explain how federal and state laws impact wage equity, sexual harassment, and hostile environments. Additionally, explain the responsibilities of the employer and strategies leadership can take to alleviate sexual harassment and hostile environments. General Requirements Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.