Directions are going to be in the screenshots below. This is a video representat

Directions are going to be in the screenshots below.
This is a video representation, but you DO NOT need to make a video, just do all the steps as asked, and please give a brief description of how you did the math. If you have any questions feel free to message me at any given time. Thank you so much. <-------- HERE IS THE LINK TO THE YOUTUBE VIDEO FOR "TASK 2 STEP #1"

M7 Draft Live Case: Review the Key Elements of a Moral Challenge Action Plan Sel

M7 Draft Live Case:
Review the Key Elements of a Moral Challenge Action Plan
Select a Live Case, it should be recent case (since March 1, 2024) in the business news – use a reliable source!
Read the case you select and any reference or background material.
Create a blank PowerPoint document.
Follow the Key Elements of a Moral Challenge Action Plan to create a preliminary narrative without consulting external sources.
Make a list of additional research inquiries needed to understand the case and moral issues at stake.
Divide your narrative into key points of <35 words distributed on 20 slides. Bibliography slides are not included in the 20-slide count.

Describe the conservation of bicarbonate ions in the renal system and compare it

Describe the conservation of bicarbonate ions in the renal system and compare it to the control of blood carbonic acid levels through the respiratory system.
Explain how the stomach is protected from self-digestion and why this is necessary.
Compare and contrast the conducting and respiratory zones.
A smoker develops damage to several alveoli that then can no longer function. How does this affect gas exchange?
Explain how the enteric nervous system supports the digestive system. What might occur that could result in the autonomic nervous system having a negative impact on digestion?
3 paragraphs each answer 1 ref each answer

Research Report – Selling Overseas and Marketing in Another Country: This projec

Research Report – Selling Overseas and Marketing in Another Country:
This project should be completed individually.
Select a product or service that you currently own (or use) and a country that you’re not familiar with. You are encouraged to select a product or service that is unique and innovative.
Imagine that you are with the international sales department of the company that manufactures and sells the item (or service) that you are proposing to make or introduce in the country you have selected.
The first step is to learn as much as possible about the country where you plan to market the product. Check almanacs, encyclopedias, the Internet, and library databases for the most recent information, paying particular attention to descriptions of the social life of the inhabitants, their economic conditions, and cultural traditions that encourage or discourage use of the product or service.
Your Task – Write a five page report that describes the product or service you plan to market abroad (it must be another country other than the United States); briefly describes the country you have selected, indicates the types of people who would find the product or service attractive, explains how the product or service would be transported or introduced into the country (or possibly manufactured if materials and labor are readily available in the host country), recommends a location for a regional sales center, and suggests how the product or service should be sold. Your report is to be submitted to the chief operating officer of the company, whose name you can either make up or find in a corporate directory. The report should include your conclusions (how the product or service will do in this new environment) and your recommendations for marketing (steps the company should take immediately and those it should develop later). You are highly encouraged to include financials, action plan, and a social media strategy.
General Format –
The paper must be typed
Use headings within the report when appropriate (please review Pages 430-445 for Parts of a Formal Report). For this report please include a Cover, Memo of Transmittal, Table of Contents, Introduction, Body, Summary, Conclusions, Recommendations, and a Bibliography (The Cover, Memo of Transmittal, Table of Contents, and Bibliography will not be counted towards the five page requirement).
Plan the paper carefully so as to develop an organized and non-redundant report. It should be organized and assembled as a continuous report and should not appear to be several independent segments bound together.
You must have a minimum of five sources. Please cite your sources using APA Format – (the Writing Center can offer assistance if you do not know how to do this). These five sources must be SCHOLARLY. You should include peer-reviewed, journal articles. I would suggest reaching out to the library if you need help finding these – to an external site..
Some other helpful sites include – to an external site., to an external site., to an external site.

Hello This is my research on job satisfaction among employees in the work enviro

This is my research on job satisfaction among employees in the work environment. Please : review it ( if you edit anything change the font color so i can know) , format the file, arrange the references (make sure they are not repeated). Also, the plagiarism percentage must be less than 20%. I want it in 3 days please
Thank you

Scenario Your manager has just returned from the monthly Senior Management meet

Your manager has just returned from the monthly Senior Management meeting where all departmental heads have been asked to present a report that showcases how they contribute to business performance. As someone who has experience in evidence-based practice and data analytics, she has asked if you would produce a report for Senior Management that explains what evidence-based practice is and its relevance to people professionals. She would also like you to include practical examples of the types of data analysis that people practitioners use to gain insight into people practices.
In readiness for this you are required to complete a report comprising two sections.
Section One – Report
For section one, you are to produce a report that provides the Senior Management team with knowledge and understanding of what evidence-based practice is and the approaches that can be taken for effective critical thinking and decision-making that ensures integrity and value is upheld.
You must ensure that you:
Evaluate the concept of evidence-based practice and assess how approaches to evidence-based practice can be used to provide insight that supports sound decision-making across a range of people practices and organisational issues. (AC 1.1)
Evaluate one appropriate analysis tool and one appropriate analysis method that might be applied by organisations to recognise and diagnose issues, challenges, and opportunities. (AC 1.2)
Explain the main principles of critical thinking and describe how these might apply to your own and others’ ideas to assist objective and rational debate.(AC 1.3)
Explain three decision-making processes that can be applied to ensure that effective outcomes are achieved. (AC 1.4)
Assess three different ethical perspectives and explain how understanding of these can be used to inform and influence moral decision-making. (AC 1.5)
Appraise two different ways organisations measure financial and non-financial performance, providing one example of each. (AC 3.1)
Explain how people practices add value in an organisation and identify two methods that might be used to measure the impact of people practices. (AC 3.2)
You should relate to academic concepts, theories and professional practice throughout your report to ensure that your work is critical and informed by using key academic texts, articles and relevant publications. All cited references used should be correctly acknowledged and presented in full in a bibliography at the end of your report.

Section Two – Quantitative and qualitative analysis review
For section two, you are to provide a quantitative and qualitative analysis review using the two sets of data provided.
Firstly, review the Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Salary data that is presented in Table 1 and provide analysis of it to show the:
percentage of each gender by type.
ethnicity as a percentage per team.
disability percentage as an organisational whole and by teams.
salary difference across genders.
overall average salary paid by the organisation.
Present your findings using appropriate diagrammatical forms and make justifiable recommendations based on your evaluations.

Table 1 – Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Salary Data – (please click on the linkto open the table)
Worksheet 1 in New 5CO02

Secondly, Table 2 gives the rating feedback scores for a sample of 300 employees taken from a recent survey on hybrid working practices. Provide scrutiny of the applied scores, present written commentary on any themes or patterns that might be occurring, and present recommendations based on your findings.

Table 2 – Feedback scores from a recent employee survey on hybrid working practices

Feedback Scores in 5CO02 WORKSHEET
Completion of the above two activities will address the following ACs:
With reference to a people practice issue, interpret analytical data using appropriate analysis tools and methods. (AC 2.1)
Present key findings for stakeholders from people practice activities and initiatives. (AC 2.2)
Make justified recommendations based on evaluation of the benefits, risks and financial implications of potential solutions. (AC 2.3)

The evidence must consist of:
Task One. – Report (2900 words)
Task Two. – Quantitative and qualitative analysis review (1000 words)
Refer to CIPD word count policy

The Ford Pinto Case Study and address selected issues in a three-to-five-page pa

The Ford Pinto Case Study and address selected issues in a three-to-five-page paper (excluding title, abstract, and reference pages) include at least three peer-reviewed sources found in the Potomac Library properly cited and referenced.
Please write in narrative writing style (academic writing) with three or more logical headings rather than question-and-answer format. Suggested questions can be translated and/or combined into logical headings; headings are usually one line long or less in Upper and Lower case. Generic headings might be Synopsis, Analysis, and Synthesis although headings customized to the case are preferred. Please write using APA 7th edition format.
Please use this strategy when you analyze a case:
1. Identify and write the main issues found discussed in the case (who, what, how, where, when, and why — the critical facts in a case).
2. List all indicators (including stated “problems”) that something is not as expected or as desired.
3. Briefly analyze the issue with theories found in your textbook or other academic materials. Decide which ideas, models, and theories seem useful. Apply these conceptual tools to the situation. As new information is revealed, cycle back to sub-steps a and b (first two bullets).
4. Identify the areas that need improvement (use theories from your textbook)
o Specify and prioritize the criteria used to choose action alternatives.
o Discover or invent feasible action alternatives.
o Examine the probable consequences of action alternatives.
o Select a course of action.
o Design and implementation plan/schedule.
o Create a plan for assessing the action to be implemented.
5. Conclusion (every paper should end with a strong conclusion or summary)