For this assignment, you will need to accurately identify the article’s premise,

For this assignment, you will need to accurately identify the article’s premise, significant points in support of the premise, and the significance of those points to the course and/or the field. You need to present an insightful and thorough analysis of the article with strong arguments and evidence. Your interpretation will need to be both reasonable and compelling. You will need to apply course concepts in your analysis. As you write the review, be certain to analyze the type of conflict discussed in the article. Use the classifications discussed in the Unit III Lesson (Rahim’s functional outcomes and Rahim’s dysfunctional outcomes) in your analysis. Be certain to suggest communication techniques to manage functional conflict or, alternately, communication techniques to resolve dysfunctional conflict. Along with the article being reviewed, you will need to reference at least one peer-reviewed source. Use the standard five-paragraph format (introduction/body/conclusion). APA format should be used. The critical review should be a minimum of two pages in length. Content, organization, and grammar/mechanics will be evaluated.

The second course project requires you to present visualizations of key data you

The second course project requires you to present visualizations of key data you gathered for Project One along with a decision-making model that will help your company make the decision to diversify. This project will give you an opportunity to demonstrate that you can analyze data to solve problems and make decisions that impact organizations and their stakeholders. I have attached my project one report which should help building project 2 which is needed for this presentation.

Prior to beginning work on this discussion Read Chapters 1 and 3 of the course t

Prior to beginning work on this discussion
Read Chapters 1 and 3 of the course textbook. Prenkert, J. D., Barnes, A. J., Perry, J. E., Haugh, T., & Stemler, A. R. (2022). Business law: The ethical, global, and digital environment (18th ed.). McGraw-Hill.Read Rubin v. Coors Brewing, Co., 514 U.S. 476 (1995) Download Rubin v. Coors Brewing, Co., 514 U.S. 476 (1995).
In Rubin v. Coors Brewing Co., 514 U.S. 476 (1995), the Supreme Court held that a federal statute and related regulations that prevented Coors from disclosing the alcohol content on its beer labels and in product advertising was a violation of Coors’ constitutional right to freedom of speech under the First Amendment. Based on this case answer the following questions:
Why does it make a difference whether the speech in which Coors was engaged (disclosure of the alcohol content) was commercial speech or noncommercial speech?
What type of speech (commercial or noncommercial) did the Supreme Court determine that Coors was engaged in?
Suppose Coors started to sell cocaine and wanted to disclose the purity of their cocaine on the packaging and in their advertisements. What type of speech would this be? Would disclosure of the purity of the cocaine be protected under the First Amendment?
Your initial response should be a minimum of 200 words. Using the
Using the search tools on the Web site above, perform a search, and select a franchise that interests you.
Once you have looked at the information provided, please prepare and submit a written report that covers the following:
Name of franchise you selected and a brief summary of the business opportunity.
Why you selected the franchise you did. What was it about this particular franchise that attracted you to it?
Start-up costs. Specify what the owner (“franchisee”) will have to invest, as well as any contributions toward start-up that the franchisor will make.
Potential profit or income from the business. It is possible that this information will not be provided at the sites above, so be prepared to do some research beyond what’s available there.
Support that the franchisor will provide the owner (“franchisee”), such as training, supplies, materials/equipment, location, building.
Any other general comments or observations that you feel are relevant to evaluating this opportunity. This could include information you find online about what people who have invested in the franchise have to say about their experience.
Again, you may need to search the Internet beyond the two franchising Web sites listed in order to obtain this additional information.

This final assignment, broken in to two parts, should incorporate the work that

This final assignment, broken in to two parts, should incorporate the work that you have started in your discussions throughout the course up to this point. You will want to go back and review your discussion posts as well as the posts of others each week to complete this final assignment.
PART 1: Evaluate and Make the Decision by comparing the alternatives based on the objectives. This process is achieved in Step Four by creating two decision matrices – unweighted and weighted.
STEP 1: Create the Unweighted Matrix
Use a scale of 0 – 3 to rate the first decision matrix. (0 being does not meet the objective well to 3 being meets the objective well).
The decision matrices must have the four objectives and four alternatives from the previous week’s discussions.
Explain WHY and HOW Harry derived the ranking of the objectives and alternatives (each of the individual numbers) in the first matrix. Review the House Buying Example.
STEP 2: Create the Weighted Matrix
Assign a percentage to each of the objectives.
These weights must total to 100% for the second (weighted) decision matrix. Remember these do not change for each alternative. but are applied to each objective.
Explain WHY and HOW Harry derived each of the weights for the objectives.
STEP 3: Evaluate
Based on the results of the Decision Matrices, evaluate and analyze all of HH’s alternatives and objectives.
State the final decision by explaining and justifying it with the numbers in the matrix. The final decision is based on the matrices
Make sure that all of your steps make sense with one another and fully align so that your final decision completely lines up with the rest of the steps in the process.
Create a report to the internal stakeholders of the company to discuss the decision that you have made regarding moving forward in a way that fixes the financial situation that outlines exactly how you have come to the decision. In your memo, you want to provide specifics, some of which have been established throughout the first 6 weeks of the course. All conclusions, justifications, reasoning’s, and explanations must be supported with course material in the form of APA in-text citations (page/paragraph numbers required) and a reference list.
Biases that may impact the process
Triggers/Opportunities leading to the need for a decision
Goal of Decision – What is the overall goal and why?
Decision Statement
Purpose, Scope, and Perspective – How did you frame this statement?
Four Objectives – Of the 6, why these?
Alternatives and how they met your objectives. Were these your original alternatives or were there class discussions that brought forth new ideas?
Your decision matrices (weighted and unweighted) and how you chose to weight each criteria
Your final decision – Assessing the Decision Process, which is where Harry will state the final decision and how it fulfills HH’s objectives by examining the MDQ process in how that final decision was derived.

Submit your Quarterly Strategy One Pager documents here. Please outline the key

Submit your Quarterly Strategy One Pager documents here.
Please outline the key decisions you have made this quarter in order to improve service, including innovation etc. Predicted call volumes for the next quarter, number of CSAs required and a summary of the SLAs you are agreeing to. If you are using external sources please cite these.
You must submit these with a copy of the Quarterly Strategy Spreadsheet and a screenshot of the Erlang C Calculator Dashboard.
Deliverables – submit 3 documents here:
CM4 – Quarterly Strategy on a Page Template (in Word format)
CM4 – Quarterly Strategy Template (in Excel format)
Screenshot of Erlang C Calculator Dashboard (in an image file).
The templates for the documents and additional information needed are attached:

This activity will allow you to practice your new cluster analysis skills. This

This activity will allow you to practice your new cluster analysis skills. This widely used data analysis technique can help with pattern recognition, the identification of outliers, and data visualization.
Use the provided Abridged Bank Data Set, which includes an abridged dataset with 1000 cases and a tab with the codebook to complete the tasks provided. You can also visit the UC Irvine Machine Learning Repository for more information and guidance on how to use the dataset provided.
Using the data provided, complete the following task:
Identify two alternative clustering solutions to help the bank with the goal of targeting the customers most likely to open a term deposti account.
Create a Word document that provides an overview of the two alternative solutions. In this summary, include all relevant analyses and provide a summary of the strengths and weaknesses of each solution.
Your completed analysis must be your original work. The submission should be a 5– 6-page Microsoft Word document; this excludes the cover page and reference list. Use 12-point font, 1-inch margins, and double-spacing. Include the output from your analysis, including any tables and graphics as part of the final submission.

Activity I – A manager claims that increases in advertising expenditure will sur

Activity I – A manager claims that increases in advertising expenditure will surely raise the firm’s profits, citing his sense that people find the firm’s ads entertaining.
Sketch how you might refute this claim using:A theoretical argument
Why might the refutation using data be more convincing?
Activity II – A grocery store manager is interested in the data-generating process for her store’s weekly soda sales. She believes factors impacting these sales include price, product placement, and whether the week contains a holiday. Write out a formal representation of the data-generation process for weekly soda sales that incorporates these and additional factors.
Activity III – Access the dataset Sales and Costs.xlsx (See the attached) and answer the following questions.
Calculate these descriptive statistics.Mean of sales
Variance of materials costs
Covariance of labor costs and materials costs
Mean of labor costs
Total sales
Calculate at least two more descriptive statistics for this dataset.

Based on the document I upload, please help me to create the part of presentatio

Based on the document I upload, please help me to create the part of presentation, I only need the 3-4 pages.
causes of the problem
The presentation must include slides and/or other visual aids. The slide deck should have a minimal to moderate amount of text so as not to overwhelm your audience with reading demands, in addition to the fundamental listening demands central to presentational speech. Also you can add the video, like youtube, if needed.
IMportant, please to be more visual, and and please give me an script.