Hong Kong Post Office- mailing service keep dropping
-need cover and header sheet
-5 objectives
-Gantte Chart (6 months) color
-why they need this service
-why this proposal can add value to this company
-no review in the proposal
-use primary research method
Textbook-Research Methods for Business Students, 9th Edition
-not sure the number of sources
*** this proposal will have a 7500 words project behind***
Category: Business
Pillow Pets – Essay Assignment Link to Video: Nickels_2e_clip_06 (viddler.com)Li
Pillow Pets – Essay Assignment
Link to Video: Nickels_2e_clip_06 (viddler.com)Links to an external site.
1. What is the importance of small business in the United States?
2. Why do individuals want to become entrepreneurs?
3. What are some characteristics of successful entrepreneurs?
4. Why is it difficult for budding entrepreneurs to secure financing from banks or others?
5. What is an intrapreneur? How does it differ from an entrepreneur?
6. How does the notion of taking an existing product and making it better relate to a successful endeavor? (As it relates to Pillow Pets or other businesses)
Instructions Course Objectives:. CO-1: Identify features of the legal environmen
Course Objectives:.
CO-1: Identify features of the legal environment that are applicable to the business world.
CO-2: Explain basic business law concepts.
CO-3: Apply legal concepts to business scenarios.
CO-4: Apply ethical concepts to business scenarios.
CO-5: Explain the role of corporate social responsibility in business management.
You are provided research sources (with their APA 7th ed. citations) to get you started. Include these sources in your work.
Kobe Steel – Misrepresentation of product quality~
Vaswani, K. (2018, March 6). Kobe Steel scandal: How did it happen? BBC. https://www.bbc.com/news/business-43298649
Japanese antitrust statute violated~
Xinhua. (2019, March 13). Kobe Steel fined for fabricating data amid falling credibility of made-in-Japan products. http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2019-03/13/c_137892362.htm
Beech-Nut Nutrition Corp. – Apple juice adulteration scandal -“food fraud”
Everstine, K., Spink, J., & Kennedy, S. (2013). Economically motivated adulteration (EMA) of food: Common characteristics of EMA incidents. Journal of Food Protection, 76(4), 723-35. http://ezproxy.apus.edu/login?qurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.proquest.com%2Fscholarly-journals%2Feconomically-motivated-adulteration-ema-food%2Fdocview%2F1335047045%2Fse-2%3Faccountid%3D8289
Buder, L. (1988, Feb 18). 2 former executives of Beech-Nut guilty in phony juice case. New York Times. http://ezproxy.apus.edu/login?qurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.proquest.com%2Fnewspapers%2F2-former-executives-beech-nut-guilty-phony-juice%2Fdocview%2F426744264%2Fse-2%3Faccountid%3D8289
Siemens – Greek Olympics bribery scandal
Berghoff, H. (2018). Business History, 60(3), 423-445. https://doi.org/10.1080/00076791.2017.1330332. https://search-ebscohost-com.ezproxy2.apus.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType=ip&db=bth&AN=127266309&site=ehost-live&scope=site [NOTE – SECOND LINK – FULL ARTICLE IN TREFRY LIBRARY]
Marshall. (2013, October 30). Siemens’ staff bribing and corruption scandal. [Video file.] YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5lYU_-W9SA
Dearton, T. H. (2015, Jun 27). A firm’s approach to corruption depends on the individual running it: Harvard professor Paul Healy [Corporate Dossier]. The Economic Times http://ezproxy.apus.edu/login?qurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.proquest.com%2Fnewspapers%2Ffirms-approach-corruption-depends-on-individual%2Fdocview%2F1691335390%2Fse-2%3Faccountid%3D8289
Reflecting on the concepts learned in the course, select and research the case study you selected and prepare a PowerPoint presentation according to the instructions below. You may use the references provided with the case study listing as part of your research. It is expected you will use the course Lessons and eReserve required readings plus your own independent research of credible sources in support of this presentation. All work must be supported with in-text citations as well as a listing of references. Work that is not supported with in-text citation as well as references may not be accepted.
Your research must include peer-reviewed and scholarly sources. (See Grading Rubric.) You may use internet sources for factual information about your company, but these should be the minority of your research. Use Trefry Library, Google Scholar, and similar library sources.
Your Week 5 Assignment with your instructor feedback has started you on this project. Your presentation should include the following, organized in well-designed slides with accompanying Speaker’s Notes or Audio and/or video narrative. All information must be supported with in-text citations and full references in the speakers notes and/or Slides. Further instructions for required content are also below:
Bullet points on slides; explanatory narrative in Speaker’s Notes section of each slide. (Scroll to end to see help about Speaker’s Notes.)
Speaker’s notes are required to provide your PPT narrative, either in the notes spaces below the slides or by audio or video narrative. Must provide in-text citation of all content slides in speakers notes, even if we use audio or video narrative.
The following covers the assignment content, building on your Week 5 worksheet, with 11 content slides. You may have additional content slides if you need them, but remember that the slides are key points supplemented by the speaker, not a paper distributed over slides. In addition are the Title, Agenda, and References Slides… note: these slides do not require in-text citation.
Slide 1
Title slide
Slide 2
Agenda slide – This is an outline of the PPT topics
Slide 3
Introduce and describe the company (name, type of business, its corporate structure)
Key bullet points and image on slide – full details in Speaker’s Notes portion for slide
Slide 4
Tell the story of the facts of the case study leading up to the company’s decision, and then what happened.
Slide 5
State precisely and explain the dilemma, the company’s decision point, and choice made. Focus on the specific decision choice of your case study. Likely the company was involved in numerous actions.
Slide 6
Identify and explain the law(s) violated by the company’s action. Include the law’s requirements and purpose. Suggestion: include an example of a violation of the same law by another company.
Slide 7
Describe and explain the legal results for your case study company as a result of violation. For example, if individuals were criminally prosecuted, include that, and also what happened to the company itself. For example, did it end up in bankruptcy? Was it sold? If it survived, what did it do in the wake of the problem?
Slide 8
Summarize the harm caused by the company’s decision.
Harm to third parties – who were victims of the decision?
Harm to company & stakeholders.
Slide 9
Identify, define, and explain the ethical framework (you selected this in Assignment 5 — egoism, free market ethics, or utilitarianism) that is illustrated by the company’s decision and conduct. Include an example of how this ethical framework affects making a decision (an example other than this case study).
Slide 10
Explain how the decision and behavior of the company in this case study illustrates the ethical framework you defined and explained in the previous slide. Compare company to the example you gave in the previous slide.
Slide 11
Identify, define, and explain the alternative ethical framework (you selected this in Assignment 5 – deontology, ethics of care, or virtue ethics) that could have led to a different result for the company. Explain specifically how the company effectively could have employed this alternative framework. Include an example of how it works in making a decision (not the case study example).
Slide 12
The legal issues resulting from the company’s decision in this case study were not the only legal problems it had or could have had. Identify another, different legal issue relating to this company. Examples from your studies in the course are: contract disputes; tort claims; violation of a civil or criminal statute or regulation (which you must identify specifically); civil rights; employment issue; whistleblowing. It must be a different legal issue from the laws and regulations involved in the case study violations. You should have identified this in Assignment 5. Develop here.
Slide 13
Recommend: What is a take-away from this case study for exercise of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in management of business operations? Recommend and explain at least one CSR business practice for any business. In determining your recommendation consider the concepts we have studied this term. The company you have studied for this Assignment engaged in practices that ultimately touched or affected all aspects of its management. Your recommendation must be a specific practice for any business to apply. It is not sufficient to say something like “do it differently,” or “be ethical” or “corporately responsible.”
Slide 14
References slide:
You must provide in-text citation of all information presented on the speakers notes and/or content slides as well as a full listing of scholarly references in APA7 format as the final slide. More than 7 credible sources are required for exemplary level of the grading rubric with a minimum of 4 being scholarly or peer-reviewed sources. At least 7 credible sources are required for the Accomplished level of the rubric with 3 being scholarly or peer-reviewed. Please see the rubric’s requirements for including scholarly and peer-reviewed sources.
To refresh your understanding of peer-reviewed and scholarly sources read the submodule “What are Peer-reviewed and Scholarly Sources?” in Course Content, under the section, Course Overview & Introduction.
The following sources will help you prepare your PPT.
Project 2: Project Management in an International Environment Step 8: Hire and T
Project 2: Project Management in an International Environment
Step 8: Hire and Train Store Personnel
The message from Cassandra Seltzer, the executive assistant of TCS. Inc, couldn’t come at a better time. She wrote that the top management of TCS would like to see a standard structure and composition of the new store management and personnel. She also mentioned that Steva Brown from the TCS HR department was assigned to help you with the HR aspects of the project. She has worked for TCS for many years and knows the requirements, policies, and procedures well.
In this step, your team will develop a human resource management (HRM) plan which should include a summary of staffing, hiring, and training proposals. You also should explain and justify the costs associated with these project activities (if it was not done in the previous step). These costs should be included in your total project budget.
Before preparing your plan, it will be useful to think critically about the peculiarities of international staffing, plus the practices and processes of recruitment and training.
For feedback from your instructor submit your project schedule (Gantt chart), estimated project costs, and human resource management plan to your team’s group discussion area only. Then continue to the next step, where you will develop a risk register for this store construction project.
Learning Topic
Staffing Internationally
In any organization, people play a key role in the company’s success or failure. Finding and recruiting the right personnel for the right positions is not an easy task, especially if the company goes abroad. In addition to the increasing competition for talent and the constantly evolving labor market, cultural differences, local practices, and regulations add to the complexity of this process.
Companies use different staffing approaches when they go abroad. Some organizations rely on a “home-country national strategy.” They send employees from their home country to work and live abroad. Other companies prefer to hire local workers. It is especially valuable if labor cost is cheaper in a foreign country. The last approach is to hire “third country nationalities,” i.e., people who temporarily came to the country for work and are not citizens either of home or host countries. In some countries, they comprise a solid portion of the labor market. For instance, according to the International Labor Organization, “The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has an estimated population of 9.3 million (2021 estimates) of which some 665,145 are UAE nationals, and 8.7 million migrant workers, most of whom are temporary contract workers.”
Whatever strategy companies choose, they should establish proper communication between their home and foreign entities to be sure that overseas operations are in line with the companies’ strategies and policies.
International Labor Organization, United Arab Emirates,
Retrieved 11-14-2023 from: https://www.ilo.org/beirut/countries/united-arab-emirates/WCMS_533531/lang–en/index.htm#:~:text=The%20United%20Arab%20Emirates%20(UAE,whom%20are%20temporary%20contract%20workers.
Staffing Internationally
The Recruitment Process
Recruitment Strategies
Steps to Take in Training an Employee
Taylor, S., & Woodhams, C. (2022 ) Human resource management: People and organisations [Chapter 02 Talent Management and Workforce Planning]
Licenses and Attributions
Human Resource Management, adapted by University of Minnesota, available under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License @2016. UMUC has modified this work and it is available under the original license. (https://open.lib.umn.edu/humanresourcemanagement/)
You will write one double spaced paper. You will need to carefully read the case
You will write one double spaced paper. You will need to carefully read the case below and answer the following questions in your Writing Assignment:
Pillow Pets – Essay Assignment Link to Video: Nickels_2e_clip_06 (viddler.com)Li
Pillow Pets – Essay Assignment
Link to Video: Nickels_2e_clip_06 (viddler.com)Links to an external site.
1. What is the importance of small business in the United States?
2. Why do individuals want to become entrepreneurs?
3. What are some characteristics of successful entrepreneurs?
4. Why is it difficult for budding entrepreneurs to secure financing from banks or others?
5. What is an intrapreneur? How does it differ from an entrepreneur?
6. How does the notion of taking an existing product and making it better relate to a successful endeavor? (As it relates to Pillow Pets or other businesses)
Instructions Course Objectives:. CO-1: Identify features of the legal environmen
Course Objectives:.
CO-1: Identify features of the legal environment that are applicable to the business world.
CO-2: Explain basic business law concepts.
CO-3: Apply legal concepts to business scenarios.
CO-4: Apply ethical concepts to business scenarios.
CO-5: Explain the role of corporate social responsibility in business management.
You are provided research sources (with their APA 7th ed. citations) to get you started. Include these sources in your work.
Kobe Steel – Misrepresentation of product quality~
Vaswani, K. (2018, March 6). Kobe Steel scandal: How did it happen? BBC. https://www.bbc.com/news/business-43298649
Japanese antitrust statute violated~
Xinhua. (2019, March 13). Kobe Steel fined for fabricating data amid falling credibility of made-in-Japan products. http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2019-03/13/c_137892362.htm
Beech-Nut Nutrition Corp. – Apple juice adulteration scandal -“food fraud”
Everstine, K., Spink, J., & Kennedy, S. (2013). Economically motivated adulteration (EMA) of food: Common characteristics of EMA incidents. Journal of Food Protection, 76(4), 723-35. http://ezproxy.apus.edu/login?qurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.proquest.com%2Fscholarly-journals%2Feconomically-motivated-adulteration-ema-food%2Fdocview%2F1335047045%2Fse-2%3Faccountid%3D8289
Buder, L. (1988, Feb 18). 2 former executives of Beech-Nut guilty in phony juice case. New York Times. http://ezproxy.apus.edu/login?qurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.proquest.com%2Fnewspapers%2F2-former-executives-beech-nut-guilty-phony-juice%2Fdocview%2F426744264%2Fse-2%3Faccountid%3D8289
Siemens – Greek Olympics bribery scandal
Berghoff, H. (2018). Business History, 60(3), 423-445. https://doi.org/10.1080/00076791.2017.1330332. https://search-ebscohost-com.ezproxy2.apus.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType=ip&db=bth&AN=127266309&site=ehost-live&scope=site [NOTE – SECOND LINK – FULL ARTICLE IN TREFRY LIBRARY]
Marshall. (2013, October 30). Siemens’ staff bribing and corruption scandal. [Video file.] YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5lYU_-W9SA
Dearton, T. H. (2015, Jun 27). A firm’s approach to corruption depends on the individual running it: Harvard professor Paul Healy [Corporate Dossier]. The Economic Times http://ezproxy.apus.edu/login?qurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.proquest.com%2Fnewspapers%2Ffirms-approach-corruption-depends-on-individual%2Fdocview%2F1691335390%2Fse-2%3Faccountid%3D8289
Reflecting on the concepts learned in the course, select and research the case study you selected and prepare a PowerPoint presentation according to the instructions below. You may use the references provided with the case study listing as part of your research. It is expected you will use the course Lessons and eReserve required readings plus your own independent research of credible sources in support of this presentation. All work must be supported with in-text citations as well as a listing of references. Work that is not supported with in-text citation as well as references may not be accepted.
Your research must include peer-reviewed and scholarly sources. (See Grading Rubric.) You may use internet sources for factual information about your company, but these should be the minority of your research. Use Trefry Library, Google Scholar, and similar library sources.
Your Week 5 Assignment with your instructor feedback has started you on this project. Your presentation should include the following, organized in well-designed slides with accompanying Speaker’s Notes or Audio and/or video narrative. All information must be supported with in-text citations and full references in the speakers notes and/or Slides. Further instructions for required content are also below:
Bullet points on slides; explanatory narrative in Speaker’s Notes section of each slide. (Scroll to end to see help about Speaker’s Notes.)
Speaker’s notes are required to provide your PPT narrative, either in the notes spaces below the slides or by audio or video narrative. Must provide in-text citation of all content slides in speakers notes, even if we use audio or video narrative.
The following covers the assignment content, building on your Week 5 worksheet, with 11 content slides. You may have additional content slides if you need them, but remember that the slides are key points supplemented by the speaker, not a paper distributed over slides. In addition are the Title, Agenda, and References Slides… note: these slides do not require in-text citation.
Slide 1
Title slide
Slide 2
Agenda slide – This is an outline of the PPT topics
Slide 3
Introduce and describe the company (name, type of business, its corporate structure)
Key bullet points and image on slide – full details in Speaker’s Notes portion for slide
Slide 4
Tell the story of the facts of the case study leading up to the company’s decision, and then what happened.
Slide 5
State precisely and explain the dilemma, the company’s decision point, and choice made. Focus on the specific decision choice of your case study. Likely the company was involved in numerous actions.
Slide 6
Identify and explain the law(s) violated by the company’s action. Include the law’s requirements and purpose. Suggestion: include an example of a violation of the same law by another company.
Slide 7
Describe and explain the legal results for your case study company as a result of violation. For example, if individuals were criminally prosecuted, include that, and also what happened to the company itself. For example, did it end up in bankruptcy? Was it sold? If it survived, what did it do in the wake of the problem?
Slide 8
Summarize the harm caused by the company’s decision.
Harm to third parties – who were victims of the decision?
Harm to company & stakeholders.
Slide 9
Identify, define, and explain the ethical framework (you selected this in Assignment 5 — egoism, free market ethics, or utilitarianism) that is illustrated by the company’s decision and conduct. Include an example of how this ethical framework affects making a decision (an example other than this case study).
Slide 10
Explain how the decision and behavior of the company in this case study illustrates the ethical framework you defined and explained in the previous slide. Compare company to the example you gave in the previous slide.
Slide 11
Identify, define, and explain the alternative ethical framework (you selected this in Assignment 5 – deontology, ethics of care, or virtue ethics) that could have led to a different result for the company. Explain specifically how the company effectively could have employed this alternative framework. Include an example of how it works in making a decision (not the case study example).
Slide 12
The legal issues resulting from the company’s decision in this case study were not the only legal problems it had or could have had. Identify another, different legal issue relating to this company. Examples from your studies in the course are: contract disputes; tort claims; violation of a civil or criminal statute or regulation (which you must identify specifically); civil rights; employment issue; whistleblowing. It must be a different legal issue from the laws and regulations involved in the case study violations. You should have identified this in Assignment 5. Develop here.
Slide 13
Recommend: What is a take-away from this case study for exercise of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in management of business operations? Recommend and explain at least one CSR business practice for any business. In determining your recommendation consider the concepts we have studied this term. The company you have studied for this Assignment engaged in practices that ultimately touched or affected all aspects of its management. Your recommendation must be a specific practice for any business to apply. It is not sufficient to say something like “do it differently,” or “be ethical” or “corporately responsible.”
Slide 14
References slide:
You must provide in-text citation of all information presented on the speakers notes and/or content slides as well as a full listing of scholarly references in APA7 format as the final slide. More than 7 credible sources are required for exemplary level of the grading rubric with a minimum of 4 being scholarly or peer-reviewed sources. At least 7 credible sources are required for the Accomplished level of the rubric with 3 being scholarly or peer-reviewed. Please see the rubric’s requirements for including scholarly and peer-reviewed sources.
To refresh your understanding of peer-reviewed and scholarly sources read the submodule “What are Peer-reviewed and Scholarly Sources?” in Course Content, under the section, Course Overview & Introduction.
The following sources will help you prepare your PPT.
Project 2: Project Management in an International Environment Step 8: Hire and T
Project 2: Project Management in an International Environment
Step 8: Hire and Train Store Personnel
The message from Cassandra Seltzer, the executive assistant of TCS. Inc, couldn’t come at a better time. She wrote that the top management of TCS would like to see a standard structure and composition of the new store management and personnel. She also mentioned that Steva Brown from the TCS HR department was assigned to help you with the HR aspects of the project. She has worked for TCS for many years and knows the requirements, policies, and procedures well.
In this step, your team will develop a human resource management (HRM) plan which should include a summary of staffing, hiring, and training proposals. You also should explain and justify the costs associated with these project activities (if it was not done in the previous step). These costs should be included in your total project budget.
Before preparing your plan, it will be useful to think critically about the peculiarities of international staffing, plus the practices and processes of recruitment and training.
For feedback from your instructor submit your project schedule (Gantt chart), estimated project costs, and human resource management plan to your team’s group discussion area only. Then continue to the next step, where you will develop a risk register for this store construction project.
Learning Topic
Staffing Internationally
In any organization, people play a key role in the company’s success or failure. Finding and recruiting the right personnel for the right positions is not an easy task, especially if the company goes abroad. In addition to the increasing competition for talent and the constantly evolving labor market, cultural differences, local practices, and regulations add to the complexity of this process.
Companies use different staffing approaches when they go abroad. Some organizations rely on a “home-country national strategy.” They send employees from their home country to work and live abroad. Other companies prefer to hire local workers. It is especially valuable if labor cost is cheaper in a foreign country. The last approach is to hire “third country nationalities,” i.e., people who temporarily came to the country for work and are not citizens either of home or host countries. In some countries, they comprise a solid portion of the labor market. For instance, according to the International Labor Organization, “The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has an estimated population of 9.3 million (2021 estimates) of which some 665,145 are UAE nationals, and 8.7 million migrant workers, most of whom are temporary contract workers.”
Whatever strategy companies choose, they should establish proper communication between their home and foreign entities to be sure that overseas operations are in line with the companies’ strategies and policies.
International Labor Organization, United Arab Emirates,
Retrieved 11-14-2023 from: https://www.ilo.org/beirut/countries/united-arab-emirates/WCMS_533531/lang–en/index.htm#:~:text=The%20United%20Arab%20Emirates%20(UAE,whom%20are%20temporary%20contract%20workers.
Staffing Internationally
The Recruitment Process
Recruitment Strategies
Steps to Take in Training an Employee
Taylor, S., & Woodhams, C. (2022 ) Human resource management: People and organisations [Chapter 02 Talent Management and Workforce Planning]
Licenses and Attributions
Human Resource Management, adapted by University of Minnesota, available under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License @2016. UMUC has modified this work and it is available under the original license. (https://open.lib.umn.edu/humanresourcemanagement/)
You will write one double spaced paper. You will need to carefully read the case
You will write one double spaced paper. You will need to carefully read the case below and answer the following questions in your Writing Assignment:
Descriiption Assignment Details The U.S. Treasury Department and state and local
Assignment Details
The U.S. Treasury Department and state and local governmental units play crucial roles in raising funds within the financial system through various mechanisms, such as treasury bonds and municipal bonds. This assignment prompts you to conduct a comprehensive analysis of their activities and assess the impact of their fundraising endeavors on the broader financial landscape.
Write a 3–5-page paper addressing the following:
Explain the functions and responsibilities of the U.S. Treasury Department in raising funds for the federal government.
Discuss how state and local governmental units raise funds by issuing municipal bonds.
Contrast the different types of municipal bonds and what they are used for.
Evaluate the challenges faced by the U.S. Treasury Department and state and local governmental units in raising funds within the financial system, such as fiscal constraints, debt sustainability concerns, and market volatility.
Propose strategies to mitigate these challenges and capitalize on opportunities for optimizing fundraising efforts and achieving fiscal sustainability.