Purpose This unit, you will use your data analysis skills to identify strengths

This unit, you will use your data analysis skills to identify strengths and weaknesses in a research study. Critically evaluating research studies can help you understand the limitations and implications of the study and inform decision making.
For this unit’s discussion, review one of the two articles provided this week:
Crossing the Chasm Between Green Corporate Image and Green Corporate Identity: A Text Mining, Social Media-Based Case Study on Automakers
Social Networks Analysis in Accounting and Finance
Choose one of the journal articles assigned, and identify two strengths and two weaknesses of the study.
Choose one analytical method discussed in these articles, and explain how it could be used in a different industry of your choice.
In your initial post, respond to the following prompts:
What are the two strengths and two weaknesses of the study?
Choose one analytical method discussed in these articles, and explain how it could be used in a different industry of your choice.

Constitutionality of Tariffs under USMCA Assignment Objective To describe the

Constitutionality of Tariffs under USMCA
Assignment Objective

To describe the regional international organizations affecting global business disputes and issues and the ability of a state in the United States to affect foreign commerce.

Assignment Overview

In this hypothetical case study and writing assignment, you will assess whether a particular state can legally enact trade barriers that conflict with the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) and the
U.S. Constitution.


Your essay should be between 250 and 700 words, double-spaced, with student name and course section indicated at top, submitted in CANVAS.


The grading rubric includes assessment of communication, critical and analytical thinking and problem solving.
Step 1 Research Assignment and Grading

Closely review the laws in Chapters 3 and 4 of the text, paying close attention to discussions concerning the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) and the Foreign Commerce Clause and the treaty power in the United States Constitution. You will be graded on your ability to analyze the facts provided below with the appropriate legal principles, weigh the various legal options and remedies and formulate a fair and just result to the legal problem presented.

Step 2 Assume and Analyze these Facts

In terms of job loss, North Carolina is one of the States most adversely affected by USMCA. Assume hypothetically that North Carolina is considering a 25% tariff (tax) on all foreign-manufactured textiles and furniture items imported into the state. The tariff’s purpose will be predominately protective in nature, designed to protect and advance textile and furniture manufacturers in North Carolina and to create jobs.

Step 3 Write a Legal Memorandum

Assume you are counsel to the North Carolina State Legislature. Advise the lawmakers in North Carolina of the constitutionality of such a tariff.

Using the attached Guidelines, please develop your own Personal Code of Ethics.

Using the attached Guidelines, please develop your own Personal Code of Ethics.
This assignment requires you to reflect on your results in the ELI and the EthicsGame to identify your core values and beliefs. Your reflective essay will be three (3) paragraphs in length plus your 2-3 sentence Personal Code of Ethics as your concluding paragraph.
The Guidelines will be used as a grading rubric for this assignment.
I have attached the instructions.
my score for ethical lens was RIGHTS/RESPONSIBILITIES LENS use this to answer paragraphs 1-3
For the last Paragraph pick any two of the four ethical lens attached in the overview file.

Purpose This unit, you will begin working on the final Retail Store Performance

This unit, you will begin working on the final Retail Store Performance Analysis due in Unit 8 by creating your outline. The Retail Store Performance Analysis is an opportunity to apply the data analysis skills you have developed throughout this course.
Review the case study provided and the associated tasks. For this unit, create an outline for your report based on the assignment criteria below. The outline should be a high-level overview of what will be submitted in your final analysis in Unit 8. Note: Your final submission will be due in Unit 8. You are only required to complete the outline for this unit’s submission.
Case Study: You are tasked with analyzing the provided Retail Performance Dataset and preparing a comprehensive report for the retail chain’s management team. The report should include data-driven insights, actionable recommendations and a strategic roadmap for optimizing store performance and enhancing competitiveness in the retail market.
Descriiption: Imagine you are a consultant hired by a retail chain to analyze the performance of its stores across multiple locations. The dataset provided contains information on various metrics related to store operations, sales, customer demographics, and external factors.
Store ID: Unique identifier for each store
Location: Geographic location of the store (city or region)
Store Size: Size of the store in square feet
Employee Count: Number of employees working at the store
Customer Footfall: Average daily foot traffic in the store
Sales: Total sales revenue generated by the store over a specified period (e.g., monthly or quarterly)
Product Categories: Breakdown of sales by product categories (e.g., electronics, apparel, groceries)
Customer Demographics: Age, gender, income level, and other demographic information of customers
Competitor Presence: Presence of competitor stores in the vicinity of the store
Promotional Activities: Details of promotional campaigns or discounts offered by the store
Seasonality: Seasonal variations in sales and foot traffic
Economic Indicators: Relevant economic indicators (e.g., unemployment rate, consumer confidence index) for the region where the store is located
Customer Satisfaction Scores: Ratings or feedback provided by customers regarding their shopping experience
Analysis Objectives:
Identify top-performing and underperforming stores based on sales and other performance metrics.
Analyze the impact of store size, location and employee count on sales performance.
Explore the relationship between promotional activities and sales.
Understand customer demographics and preferences to tailor marketing strategies.
Assess the competitive landscape and its implications for store performance.
Investigate the influence of external factors such as seasonality and economic conditions on sales.
Develop actionable recommendations to improve overall store performance and profitability.
Your completed analysis must be your original work, and should include a minimum of 3 sources, 2 of which can be from the course resources. The submission should be an 2–3-page Microsoft Word document, including all graphics and tables. This excludes the cover page and reference list. Use 12-point font, 1-inch margins, and double-spacing.

Purpose This unit, you will use your data analysis skills to identify strengths

This unit, you will use your data analysis skills to identify strengths and weaknesses in a research study. Critically evaluating research studies can help you understand the limitations and implications of the study and inform decision making.
For this unit’s discussion, review one of the two articles provided this week:
Crossing the Chasm Between Green Corporate Image and Green Corporate Identity: A Text Mining, Social Media-Based Case Study on Automakers
Social Networks Analysis in Accounting and Finance
Choose one of the journal articles assigned, and identify two strengths and two weaknesses of the study.
Choose one analytical method discussed in these articles, and explain how it could be used in a different industry of your choice.
In your initial post, respond to the following prompts:
What are the two strengths and two weaknesses of the study?
Choose one analytical method discussed in these articles, and explain how it could be used in a different industry of your choice.

Constitutionality of Tariffs under USMCA Assignment Objective To describe the

Constitutionality of Tariffs under USMCA
Assignment Objective

To describe the regional international organizations affecting global business disputes and issues and the ability of a state in the United States to affect foreign commerce.

Assignment Overview

In this hypothetical case study and writing assignment, you will assess whether a particular state can legally enact trade barriers that conflict with the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) and the
U.S. Constitution.


Your essay should be between 250 and 700 words, double-spaced, with student name and course section indicated at top, submitted in CANVAS.


The grading rubric includes assessment of communication, critical and analytical thinking and problem solving.
Step 1 Research Assignment and Grading

Closely review the laws in Chapters 3 and 4 of the text, paying close attention to discussions concerning the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) and the Foreign Commerce Clause and the treaty power in the United States Constitution. You will be graded on your ability to analyze the facts provided below with the appropriate legal principles, weigh the various legal options and remedies and formulate a fair and just result to the legal problem presented.

Step 2 Assume and Analyze these Facts

In terms of job loss, North Carolina is one of the States most adversely affected by USMCA. Assume hypothetically that North Carolina is considering a 25% tariff (tax) on all foreign-manufactured textiles and furniture items imported into the state. The tariff’s purpose will be predominately protective in nature, designed to protect and advance textile and furniture manufacturers in North Carolina and to create jobs.

Step 3 Write a Legal Memorandum

Assume you are counsel to the North Carolina State Legislature. Advise the lawmakers in North Carolina of the constitutionality of such a tariff.

ALL ASSIGNMENTS ON SEPARATE DOCUMENTS PART 1 Think of an ethical issue you have

ALL ASSIGNMENTS ON SEPARATE DOCUMENTS PART 1 Think of an ethical issue you have been a part of, either personally or professionally, such as nepotism, a data breach, inappropriate social media posts, or harassment/discrimination. Next, pick one ethical approach (Utilitarian, Deontological, Virtue, or Commweekarian) and explain how you will use this approach to remedy the issue. Do not forget to describe the ethical issue. Follow the steps below to complete your assessment. For all of these steps, make sure you provide examples and information from credible sources that will support your writing: Step 1: Compare and contrast the four ethical approaches. Step 2: Analyze the reasoning process behind an ethical decision. Step 3: Analyze ethical decision-making principles and actions. Step 4: Analyze cultural and environmental influences on ethical decision-making. Step 5: Evaluate a personal decision based on ethical decision-making principles. Written communication: Write in complete sentences free from errors that detract from the overall message. Communicate in an exemplary and professional manner through clear, concise, well-organized, and grammatically correct writing. Font: Arial, 12-point. Page length: 4–5 pages. Citations: Include complete citations of your sources. PART 2 You will first need to identify a current or potential ethical dilemma in a company. This could be a company where you are now employed, a former employer, a friend’s company, or another company that had an ethical dilemma that you may have read about in the news. The issue should also be something that needs to be addressed with an organizational policy inside the company, such as harassment, discrimination, embezzlement, or fraud. In other words, you believe that a policy change would be better than other courses of action (such as disciplinary action toward an individual employee, or external action by the government or a nonprofit) to remedy the issue. You do not have to create a policy at this time; you just need to explain why implementing a policy would be the right choice to address the situation or issue. For example, a company may choose to videotape the office and read employee emails, so what’s the big deal? The conflict in this example could be that employees feel these practices are a violation of privacy and they feel entitled to a certain level of privacy. However, company owners and stakeholders defend these practices on the premise that they are ensuring employees are remaining productive and getting their work done. Follow these steps to complete your assessment. For all of these steps, make sure you provide examples and information from credible sources to support your writing and claims: Step 1: Analyze an ethical dilemma that needs to be addressed. Describe the current ethical dilemma and how it affects various stakeholders. Explain how the ethical dilemma warrants a company to take the time to address it. Explain the implications of not addressing the ethical issue. Step 2: Analyze the different methods for resolving the ethical dilemma. Describe the different ethical methods that are available to be used. Explain how these methods can be applied to resolve the ethical dilemma. Explain the ramifications and consequences of not addressing the ethical dilemma. Step 3: Recommend an appropriate method to address the ethical dilemma. Explain how the organization can fix and address the dilemma. Explain why you think your recommendations are appropriate and the right approach to addressing the specific dilemma. Step 4: Describe how a specific ethical dilemma corresponds with larger issues on a regional, national, or global level. Discuss how this specific dilemma could impact policies and regulations on a larger scale. Incorporate the ramifications and consequences (discussed in Step 2) with your description of how the ethical dilemma could impact all levels. Written communication: Write in complete sentences free from errors that detract from the overall message. Communicate in an exemplary and professional manner through clear, concise, well-organized, and grammatically correct writing. Font: Arial, 12-point. Page length: 4–5 pages. Citations: Include complete citations of your sources. PART 3 You are an ethics consultant and just landed a consulting project for an organization. Your client has hired you to design a plan with recommendations to create an ethical corporate culture. For the purpose of this assessment, you can “work” with a company you are interested in or familiar with. Feel free to select the company you are currently working at, a company you admire, or a company that you think could benefit from an ethical corporate culture makeover. There are many practical applications of ethics and ways to foster an ethical culture. If you explored the suggested resources for this assessment, you have encountered several strategies. Follow these steps to complete the assessment. For all of these steps, make sure you provide examples and information from credible sources to support your writing and claims. Step 1: Analyze the components that make up an ethical corporate culture. Describe the components that constitute a company’s corporate culture: What are the company’s values? What are the company’s ideals? What are the company’s assumptions? Explain how all of these components work together to create a company’s ethical corporate culture. Step 2: Design a plan for creating an ethical corporate culture. Explain how you will go about designing a plan to help your client create an ethical corporate culture. Analyze the organization’s current corporate climate including its ethical culture. Describe the ethical behaviors demonstrated in this organization, such as their business practices. Also, include how people or the general public perceive the ethics of this organization based on the current corporate climate and business practices. Explain how you will know if people are adopting the new ethical corporate culture. For example, if you created an educational program, you might track the number of people who complete the program. Step 3: Recommend learning strategies to foster ethical corporate culture. Recommend 3–4 learning strategies for your selected organization that will foster ethical corporate culture, including how you will employ them to sensitize employees to ethical issues. Explain why your recommendations are appropriate and will provide the desired outcomes. Be sure to connect your rationale to the analysis of the organization’s current climate and ethical culture. Select three learning strategies that can be used to help support employees and explain why these are the appropriate strategies. Written communication: Write in complete sentences free from errors that detract from the overall message. Communicate in an exemplary and professional manner through clear, concise, well-organized, and grammatically correct writing. Font: Arial, 12-point. Page length: 4–5 pages. Citations: Include complete citations of your sources. PART 4 For this assessment, consider how a company’s social responsibility can affect the workplace, stakeholders, clients, and other outside parties. In your paper, address these questions: How can a company’s social responsibility policy complement its obligation to maximize profits for shareholders? How does the ethical issue itself affect employees, stakeholders, clients, and other outside parties, considering the specific company issue? What are the positive and negative outcomes? What ethical decision-making approaches would you incorporate into your policy? How would your policy solve the ethical issue? Follow these steps to complete the assessment. For all of these steps, make sure you provide examples and information from credible sources to support your writing and claims. Step 1: Analyze how corporate social responsibility policies can both complement and conflict with profit-maximizing goals. Explain how robust corporate social responsibility policies can enhance a company’s reputation and public perception. Examine how having responsible corporate social responsibility policies support a company’s sales and marketing efforts, and ultimately, the bottom line. Step 2: Assess how an organization-wide ethical dilemma impacts the organization internally and other outside parties. Describe, in detail, the organization-wide ethical issue. Describe these impacts and how they affect each category: Employees. Stakeholders. Clients. Other outside parties. Explain how these different categories are interrelated and why an organization needs to address the ethical dilemma through corporate policy. Discuss the ramifications or outcomes that might occur if the ethical dilemma is addressed or not addressed. Step 3: Explain how a selected ethical approach is suitable to address the organization-wide issue. Describe, in detail, the selected ethical approach that you would incorporate into your policy. Connect the approach to the ethical issue and describe how the approach is suitable to address the issue with multiple stakeholders. Provide examples and possibly data from other organizations with similar ethical issues. Step 4: Create a corporate policy that can help resolve an ethical issue. Identify the essential parts of a corporate policy, then explain how these parts address the impacts from these perspectives: Employees. Stakeholders. Clients. Other outside parties. Create an actual corporate policy that addresses the ethical issue. Written communication: Write in complete sentences free from errors that detract from the overall message. Communicate in an exemplary and professional manner through clear, concise, well-organized, and grammatically correct writing. Font: Arial, 12-point. Page length: 4–5 pages. Citations: Include complete citations of your sources.

OVERVIEW: Foreign exchange impacts the profitability of transactions in internat

OVERVIEW: Foreign exchange impacts the profitability of transactions in international markets. It can turn a profitable business into one that loses money and can turn an unprofitable business into one that makes money. Analyze the impact of foreign exchange on different business scenarios and present your findings in a short business memo. SCENARIO: You manage the international business for a manufacturing company. You are responsible for the overall profitability of your business unit. Your company ships your products to Malaysia. The retail stores that buy your products there pay you in their local currency, the Malaysian ringgit (MYR). All sales for the first quarter are paid on April 1st and use the exchange rate at the close of business on April 1st or the first business day after April 1st if it falls on a Saturday or Sunday. The company has sales contracts with different vendors that determine the number of units sold well in advance. The company is contractually obligated to sell 4,000 units for exactly 1.25 million MYR for the first quarter. The break-even point for each unit is $90 in U.S. dollars. Use the following foreign exchange rates: On January 1, the daily spot rate is 3.13 MYR, and the forward rate is 0.317 U.S. dollars/MYR for April 1st of the same year. On April 1, the daily spot rate is 3.52 MYR. PROMPT: Using the information above, create a short business memo that explains the profitability, viability, and importance of considering foreign exchange on the basis of the scenarios below. Scenario 1: The company uses the spot rate on April 1st to convert its sales revenue in MYR to U.S. dollars. Scenario 2: On January 1st, the company uses that day’s forward rate today to lock in a foreign exchange rate for its expected 1.25 million MYR in sales. This means the company agreed to exchange 1.25 million MYR using the forward rate on January 1st when April 1 arrives. Scenario 3: Another option for the company is to spend the foreign currency and avoid any currency exchange. Because it is a manufacturing company, raw materials are always needed. Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria: Foreign Exchange Calculations: Determine the profitability of the international business by using foreign exchange calculations for the first and second scenarios. Spend or Save: Discuss what you would need to consider when determining if the company should buy raw materials with the foreign currency in an effort to avoid foreign exchange risk and whether this is a viable option for the company. Conclusion: After determining the result for each scenario, explain the importance to a company’s financial results of considering foreign exchange risk. WHAT TO SUBMIT: Submit this assignment as a 250- to 300-word Microsoft Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.