Following your review, choose one article from this list; critically evaluate th

Following your review, choose one article from this list; critically evaluate the article’s strengths, weaknesses, and contribution to the study field using the outline below as a guide: Cover page The cover page will include: Articles Title and Author (s) Name of Journal (s) Date of publication Your name Executive Summary Summarize the significant aspects of the entire article, including: The overall purpose and general area of study of the article. The specific problem being addressed in the study. The main findings of the article. Literature Review Briefly summarize the overall themes presented in the Literature Review. Was the literature review applicable to the study, current and thorough? Were there gaps in the literature review? Data Analysis Identify the methodology used: qualitative, quantitative, mixed? Was the chosen methodology appropriate for the study? Why or why not? Did the data analysis prove or disprove the research questions? Explain. Results/Conclusion In this section, you will address the following: Describe the article’s relevance to the field of knowledge. Outline the strengths and weaknesses of the article. Be specific. Based on the article, what future research do you think needs to be accomplished in this area? What are your key points and takeaways after analyzing the article? Proper APA in-text citation must be used. The review is to be word-processed double spaced, not less than two pages, and no more than five pages in length. Paper length does not include the cover page and the references page(s). I WOULD LIKE YOU TO FOLLOW THE OUTLINE (COVER PAGE WITH EVERYTHING, EXECUTIVE SUMMARY, LITERATURE REVIEW, DATA ANALYSIS, RESULTS/CONCLUSION) AND TO WRITE 2 PAGES AND A HALF 3 PAGES MAXIMUM NO MORE ON THE REFERENCE PAGE INCLUDE THE ARTICLE I SENT YOU ON APA FORMAT PLEASE This is the article: Fitzsimmons, Callan, V. J., & Paulsen, N. (2014). Gender disparity in the C-suite: Do male and female CEOs differ in how they reached the top? The Leadership Quarterly, 25(2), 245–266.

Find an example not mentioned in your textbook for each of the four types of onl

Find an example not mentioned in your textbook for each of the four types of online retailing business models (described on pages 616 – 630).
Prepare a one-page report describing each firm and why it is an example of one particular business model.
Use Word to write your report using 300 words minimum; use your own words.
Cite your sources
I screenshot each of the pages for Ebook that would be needed to complete the assignment successfully

Finding a viable research problem to study is one of the most challenging aspect

Finding a viable research problem to study is one of the most challenging aspects of completing a dissertation. A problem is generally something that is happening that should not be happening, something that is not happening that should be happening, or something that is happening in the wrong way or amount. A problem could also be as simple as something that is not understood or known (gap in the body of knowledge). include 2 scholarly
sources (published within the last 5 years), and biblical integration.
For your main thread perform the following:
Identify an everyday organizational problem that you are familiar with.
Describe the process you would use to find out more information about this problem.
Describe the negative organizational consequences the problem creates or the gap in the body of knowledge.
Create and include a diagram that illustrates the process you propose to use to conduct field research and gain understanding of the problem.
Discuss the process you propose to use to conduct research and gain understanding of the problem referencing the diagram you have created.
Discuss how your process aligns with current best practices in doctoral research.

Use a spreadsheet program to create a bar graph to illustrate the growth of Inte

Use a spreadsheet program to create a bar graph to illustrate the growth of Internet usage in Europe in at least five countries during the period 2000–2019.
For each country, you only need to show data from more than two different years.
The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development’s biennial Information Economy Report 2017 and UNCTAD B2C E-commerce Index 2018 also provide useful information.
Record the information by creating a bar graph. No essay format is needed!
Use the documents attached to find data on 5 countries.