Prabhu, an Indian man in his late 50s, presents to your office with an acute cou

Prabhu, an Indian man in his late 50s, presents to your office with an acute cough. He has been feeling sick for the past three weeks. He occasionally produces green sputum and sometimes experiences shortness of breath with exertion. He asks for an antibiotic because his neighbor was diagnosed with bacterial pneumonia a few weeks ago and got better with an antibiotic.
On examination, Prabhu’s body temperature is 37.2°C, his heart rate is 88 beats per minute, and his respiratory rate is 22 breaths per minute. Auscultation of the lungs reveals some wheezing in the upper lung fields, but he is otherwise clear to auscultation and percussion. He states that he is allergic to penicillin and had a rash when he took it.
How would you treat Prabhu? Include both pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic therapy. Provide at least two current and scholarly references that support your choice of treatment.

Near the end of our text, in Ch. 14, there will be content on how we can learn f

Near the end of our text, in Ch. 14, there will be content on how we can learn from risk management leaders. These are well thought of profitable companies. Please look at one of these companies and provide a description of it that includes information about their business.

USDA supports agricultural producers through a new five-year agroforestry strate

USDA supports agricultural producers through a new five-year agroforestry strategic framework, which is a roadmap to advance agroforestry resources and provide assistance to landowners for productive and healthy farms, ranches, woodlands, and communities. See which NRCS agroforestry practices are offered in your state.
Contact your local service center to learn more about USDA resources and programs to support agroforestry practices across your working land.

Instructions Choosing an Organization You may choose any known organization (for

Choosing an Organization
You may choose any known organization (for-profit, not-for-profit, small, medium, large, existing, new start-up, established organizations are all permitted) or make one up for your Plan. If you make up your own organization, you will need to find (and reference where applicable) information that is relevant to this type of organization. If you are unsure, it is strongly suggested that you use an existing company. Focus on one or two major products/services rather than the whole organization.
Writing the Plan
Follow the report format for the Marketing Plan closely. Write in business report format using full paragraphs unless otherwise stated. It is crucial to follow various major concepts in the textbook to devise your plan and strategy for each section. In other words, use major parts of each chapter to discuss details for each section.  The length of the assignment should be between 8-10 pages, not including an appendix. A minimum of 3 scholarly sources including your textbook must be cited using any recognized citation style. Use in-text citations throughout the paper.

Task 13: Presentation of the Findings This is a narrative assignment using the a

Task 13: Presentation of the Findings
This is a narrative assignment using the appropriate template and headings. The presentation of
the findings should be an exhaustive discussion of no less than 30 pages.
I interviewed a total of 20 participants.  The surveys and interview questions are attached.  The research proposal is attached also.
The body of the document will include:
Presentation of the Findings
• Introductory paragraph
• Overview of Themes Discovered
• Discussion of Themes – Provide a detailed discussion of the findings organized by the
themes discovered in the study.
o Organize the discussion by themes discovered and present the results of the
qualitative analysis.
o Include the results of all qualitative and quantitative analyses conducted for
triangulation in the discussion organized by themes discovered. For quantitative
analysis, include appropriate hypotheses testing and results.
o Include a sample of relevant direct quotations from participants to highlight the
discovered themes.
• Relationship of Findings – Provide a detailed discussion of how the findings relate to key
areas from the research proposal.
o The Research Questions – Discuss how the findings addressed each of the research
o The Research Framework – Discuss how the findings relate to each of the elements
in the research framework.
o Anticipated Themes – Discuss how the findings relate to the anticipated themes
with a focus on any differences, unanticipated themes, or missing themes.
o The Problem – Discuss how the findings relate to the problem being studied.
o The Literature – Discuss how the findings relate to the literature with a focus on
both similarities and differences.
• Summary of the Findings – Provide an overview of how the findings addressed the specific
problem being studied, the general problem, the purpose of the research, and the research
questions. Highlight key conclusions drawn from the findings.

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You must post at least one well thought-out comment 150 word minimum .

Please discuss your opinion of the  737 Max aircraft being grounded by Europe, China, Canada, and ultimately the U.S. Answer the following questions as part of your discussion? This post will require you to do some research. Ensure you provide references to your research material.

1. Was the grounding premature? Explain your reasoning.

2. Was the grounding justified? Explain your reasoning.

3. Does it appear that Boeing rushed the certification and provided false information?