1. You manage a used-car sales lot and you are trying to figure the best way to

1. You manage a used-car sales lot and you are trying to figure the best way to compensate your salespeople – straight salary, straight commission, or a mix of salary and commission. What are the strengths and weaknesses of each approach? Read and respond to a minimum of two colleagues’ posts.
2. The CEO of your organization wants to take immediate action to save money, which includes eliminating all employee benefits and giving employees a 15-percent pay increase so they can pay for benefits out of their own pockets. As an HR person for the organization, what is your response to the CEO’s proposal? Read and respond to a minimum of two colleagues’ posts.
-No personal thoughts

Question 1:Critically discuss the major challenges facing the advertising indust

Question 1:Critically discuss the major challenges facing the advertising industry in the post- digital, post-Covid-19 era. In your answer, pay particular attention to issues arising from the convergence of media channels via the Internet, the importance of user-generated content (UGC) and emotional storytelling as creative strategy on multiple digital platforms. Use examples where relevant to support your points.

Question 2: Using recent examples of advertising campaigns to illustrate your po

Question 2: Using recent examples of advertising campaigns to illustrate your points, critically discuss how ethical principles might be applied to the regulation of advertising in a diverse and market-driven society. Apply virtue ethics, deontology, consequentialism or religious ethics in your response to support your discussion and points.

Utilizing the resources provided in the module, choose two countries compare and

Utilizing the resources provided in the module, choose two countries compare and contrast. Brazil & England
Outline differences in business etiquette, relationships, dress, power distance, time, and so on. 1–2-page short paper.
Important: Please use the website below as a main resource: Country list is in the drop down option upper right corner.
Other Resource-
Textbook: International Management: Managing Across Borders and Cultures, Text and Cases, Chapter 3  
This chapter focuses on how culture impacts aspects of global business, including business and social norms, etiquette, and international workplace interactions. Global cultural dimensions will be explained in depth to provide an understanding of cultural adaptation, sensitivity, and empathy when entering new markets. 
Double Space
12 inch font
1 inch margins
Times New Romans
Citations if other sources are used.

·         Coronel, C., & Morris, S. (2018). Database systems: Design, implementa

·         Coronel, C., & Morris, S. (2018). Database systems: Design, implementation, & management (13th ed.). Cengage Learning.
o    Chapter 4, “Entity Relationship (ER) Modeling” (pp. 113–167)
o    Chapter 8, “Advanced SQL”
§  Section 8-1, “Data Definition Commands” (pp. 360–366)
§  Section 8-2, “Creating Table Structures” (pp. 366–375)
§  Section 8-3, “Altering Table Structures” (pp. 375–378)
·         Oracle. (n.d.). MySQL Workbench community downloadsLinks to an external site. [Software]. https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/workbench/
Note: This software is one option you may choose for creating a database in the Week 4 Assignment. 
·         Microsoft. (n.d.). Try SQL Server on-premises or in the cloudLinks to an external site.. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/sql-server/sql-server-downloads
Note: This site provides another option, MS SQL Express, you may choose for creating a database in the Week 4 Assignment. 
·         Document: Key Terms  Download Key Terms(PDF)
Note: Focus on Week 4 key terms.
·         Document: Sales Data Download Sales Data(PDF)
Note: You will continue to use the data for the Week 4 Assignment.
·         Document: DDL and DML Commands  Download DDL and DML Commands(PDF)
Note: You will use this document for the Week 4 Assignment.
Optional Resources
·         w3schools.com. (n.d.). SQL tutorial.Links to an external site.https://www.w3schools.com/sql/default.asp 
·         w3schools.com. (n.d.). SQL data types for MySQL, SQL Server, and MS Access.Links to an external site. https://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_datatypes.asp 
·         w3schools.com. (n.d.). SQL CREATE TABLE statement.Links to an external site. https://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_create_table.asp 
·         w3schools.com. (n.d.). SQL ALTER TABLE statementLinks to an external site.. https://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_alter.asp 
·         w3schools.com. (n.d.). SQL PRIMARY KEY constraint.Links to an external site. https://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_primarykey.asp 
·         w3schools.com. (n.d.). SQL FOREIGN KEY constraint.Links to an external site. https://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_foreignkey.asp 

O‌‍‍‌‌‍‌‌‌‌‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‌‍ne ethicist in the field of business ethics states, “Busines

O‌‍‍‌‌‍‌‌‌‌‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‌‍ne ethicist in the field of business ethics states, “Business ethics should be grounded in deontology more than utilitarianism.” What does this mean? Reflect on the definitions and application of these two distinct ethical frameworks. Why d‌‍‍‌‌‍‌‌‌‌‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‌‍o you think this expert proposes this view? Consider the case studies you have read. Think how you would make critical decisions.Do you you agree or disagree with this statement? Explain. Feel free to add another ethical perspective to the discussion‌‍‍‌‌‍‌‌‌‌‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‌‍.

This project is intended to be an individual assignment where you should submit

This project is intended to be an individual assignment where you should submit at least a
12-page Research Paper at the end of the course. The Field Project consists in applying the basic learnings of the Principles of Transportation course by visiting a local freight line or freight forwarder firm involved in transportation and trade operations. The Research must be based primarily on the material covered in the course, in the textbook, plus readings and visual material, taking in account the key topics on each chapter of the textbook and point out the similarities between the theory and the actual operations in the field. The objective is to get a direct understanding of the main logistics and transportation operations services they provide in the real world.
The Field Research Project counts 150 points in the Grading Policy.
Select a transportation company of your interest and describe in detail how the company preserved or managed through COVID-19. Discuss the supply chain management challenges it faced and how it overcame trade and operational challenges within the various modes of transportation (port, air, water).
The minimum 12 page paper must include:
• An Abstract
• Contents
• Analysis of the transportation market which the firm under research is serving
• A descriptive development of each mode of transportation utilized by the transportation company
• A Conclusion section with insights,
• At least five References from current journals, industry magazines and studies
• Attachments with any additional and useful information like flowcharts, maps, layout, pictures, trends, etc.

submit a 300 word original reflection discussion board post on Leadership that G

submit a 300 word original reflection discussion board post on Leadership that Gets Results by Daniel Goleman from the On Managing People text(attached pdf chapter 1). The original post must address EACH of the following questions in separate paragraphs:
After reading the article, briefly summarize the key points, concepts, strategies, lessons learned, etc.
What did you learn about yourself?
How can you apply what you learned to the course topic?
How are the key points, concepts, strategies, lessons learned, etc. related to Biblical teachings? Scripture must by incorporated.

Part I: Pick an organization and discuss how the two of the strategic resources

Part I: Pick an organization and discuss how the two of the strategic resources identified in resource-based theory (valuable, rare, difficult to imitate, and non-substitutable) have enabled that organization to have a competitive advantage within that organization’s industry. BE SPECIFIC!
Part II: Using the same organization from Part I, discuss how that organization uses the marketing mix (price, product, promotion, and place) to entice customers to purchase their goods or services. Give specific examples for two of the P’s.
DO NOT discuss more than two of the P’s. Focus on giving good examples for two of the P’s instead of generic examples for more than two.
Part III: Using the same organization as in Part I, discuss how one of the four components of intellectual property (patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets) has enabled the organization to maintain long term competitive advantage and reduce or eliminate risk. BE SPECIFIC!!
1. You are required to use Peer Reviewed sources and in text citations. Please use, at minimum, one peer reviewed source for each part of the assignment (THREE PEER REVIEWED SOURCES for this assignment). 
2. You should be using scholarly writing techniques.
3. You should use APA 7.0 format.
4. This assignment MUST be in a paper format – NO BULLET POINTS, NO NUMBERING

Scenario The company you work for recently acquired several international locati

The company you work for recently acquired several international locations. You were informed that multiple positions will be moving overseas over the course of the next few years. Your manager has asked you to provide a comprehensive cultural information report to help employees make the transition to overseas employment.
Select a country where a specific job will be stationed. You may select from the United Nations’ list of developed economies (Table A, page 169) in World Economic Situation and Prospects link listed below
If you wish to select a country other than those listed in the UN document, you must request permission from your instructor.
Make sure the county of choice is logical for the company you are using.
Develop a 6-8 page cultural information report that will help an employee better understand how to make the transition overseas. Include the following:
Prepare an executive summary that explains the organizational strategy for expanding company operations to a particular country.
What is the company strategy for working in this country?
What are the expectations of leadership (ROI)?
Prepare an overview of the critical information an American would need to know to live and work in the selected country.
Languages spoken.
Currency, economy, political climate.
Housing, cost of living, transportation.
Health care.
Develop a list of advice on successfully assimilating into the selected country and culture.
Local customs, values, and traditions.
Determine the type of immigration laws or visa requirements that need to be met to work in the selected country.
Discuss three ways company leadership can provide human and material resources to support employees in foreign locations.
What will help these employees succeed before, during, and after the transition period?