Each student will develop and submit a PowerPoint presentation over an assigned chapter/topic
from the textbook (Sports in American Life: A History Richard O. Davies chapter 1-9) Pick ONE CHAPTER. There must be a minimum of 10 slides and no more than 15 slides per
Your PowerPoint presentation should be based off a SINGLE CHAPTER from Sport in American Life
(student choice). The presentation needs to follow the outline of the chapter and should include a
brief introduction that provides the audience with a frame of reference of the overall theme of the
chapter and end with a strong conclusion slide.
Keep your visuals clear and simple.
Use simple graphics, charts, and diagrams wherever possible.
Avoid using too many colors, patterns, and graphics in one frame.
Use a minimum of words for text and title frames.
Upper and lower-case lettering is more legible than all capital letters.
Avoid using more than two font sizes per frame.
Try to maintain the same or similar font size from frame to frame.
Contrasting use of color is best.
Keep color schemes consistent throughout the presentation.
Graphics – Photographs, graphs and illustrations of artwork are excellent means of
communicating complex ideas, providing that they are meaningful and relevant.
Each graphic should be cited and documented on the slide with the graphic as well as its
source on the final reference slide.
All material should be presented in APA format, including but not limited to the title
slide, material should be cited if appropriate and it is encouraged to write in your own
words as much as possible.
Note: Your assignments will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool. The
tool is a starting point for instructors to check overall Academic Integrity and higher scores
generally indicate a higher probability of Academic Misconduct. The higher a score the
higher the probability that there are too high a percentage of quotations included in the
narrative, and/or there are passages that have not been properly cited.
Category: Applied Sciences homework help
This week you examined how we quantify and record behavior based on an experime
This week you examined how we quantify and record behavior based on an experimental question. Consider an idea you may have to research using single case design. Select one of the (4) types of experimental questions from Kennedy and construct an experimental question.
To receive full credit you must:
Identify which type of question you selected (2 points).
Provide a measurable dependent variable (5 points).
Provide an independent variable that is behavior analytic in nature (5 points).
Identify how you will quantify your dependent variable? In other words, will you use count, rate, duration, latency, etc.? (5 points).
Determine possible IOA formula for your study (3 points).
They check for AI and plagiarism
Rubric and article attached
This week, you will have the opportunity to unleash your creativity in orde
This week, you will have the opportunity to unleash your creativity in order to help you and your classmates study.
For this assignment you will be able to create an infographic or video presentation.
Discussion Instructions:
Select one of the topics below.
1. Cellular Adaptation, (Chapter 4, p. 74)
2. Manifestations of Cellular Injury: Accumulations, (Chapter 4, p. 94)
3. Cancer Terminology and Characteristics, (Chapter 11, p. 227)
4. Sustained Proliferative Signaling, (Chapter 10, p. 232)
5. The Biology of Cancer Cells, (Chapter 10, p. 228)
Explore the topic and gather the information needed to teach your fellow learners.
Please create these items using infographics (Canva.com) or video (Powtoon.com). I
Please see reading and questions attached. Please answer the following question
Please see reading and questions attached.
Please answer the following questions:
Write a 2 page reflection paper. Use the following discussion questions to devel
Write a 2 page reflection paper. Use the following discussion questions to develop your paper:
Identify influences in your past that have shaped your view of food or your eating habits.
These may include cultural, environmental, or social factors, as well as influential family
members. How have these influenced your current eating patterns, weight, and health
Discuss your healthy and unhealthy eating habits and how these habits developed.
Identify emotions or relationships in the past that may have contributed to the formation
of your current eating habits.
Identify your preferences in tastes and foods that you enjoy. Do you see any connections
with past influences?
Do you think your past may influence or shape how you perceive the public you will be
working with? Explain.
Use 3 references (one can be a textbook used in this class, the other two must be scholarly
sources from peer reviewed journals) to substantiate your experiences. In other words, what
does the literature say influences food intake and how does that apply to you? Citations must be
in current AMA format.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.
In a new Word document, start with your name and date at the top. Copy and
In a new Word document, start with your name and date at the top.
Copy and paste the questions below (keep the numeric question format in your document).
Answer each question with at least 2-3 complete sentences for full credit.
Re-upload and submit the completed Word document to Canvas.
Answer the following questions for this reflection journal:
Think of a common saying, perhaps something your family used to say to you, that is health-related (like you must not swim for 30 minutes after you eat, or you’ll get a stomach ache, or if you go outside with wet hair, you’ll catch a cold). What information you would need to have in order to support or refute these claims. For example, what questions would you need to investigate?
What do you think could be challenging to apply evidence-based practice in nursing care? How can you overcome these when you become a nurse?
What do you think you will do when you encounter a patient care situation in which decisions are made that go against your values and beliefs?
Why is it important to have passions or interests other than nursing? What is your plan to avoid burnout as a nurse?
How do you think you come across when communicating with other people? What are some areas you may need to work on with communication?
In this course, you have learned many strategies for success. Which one was the most useful and why? How will you apply this to your life (currently, or in your future nursing school)? Which concept do you want to make sure and take with you moving forward?
Looking back over the last three weeks of the course, what is the biggest change in your understanding of the nursing profession since the beginning of the course? How will you apply this to your life (currently, or in your future nursing practice)?
Hanley (2012) discussed a number of obstacles to conducting functional analyse
Hanley (2012) discussed a number of obstacles to conducting functional analyses of problem behaviors. Select 3 obstacles most relevant to you and discuss how to overcome them. This can either be based on experience or interest – but you must refer to the academic literature to support the discussion.
See attached. Focus on the document discussion post rubric. Based on the APA 7 ed with support from at least 5 academic sources which need to be journal articles or books from 2019 up to now. NO WEBSITES allowed for reference entry. Include doi, page numbers, etc. Plagiarism must be less than 10%. Also focus on Chapter 27 in Cooper, Heron, and Heward (2007) and articles Hanley
This is designed to deepen your understanding of essential word parts—prefixes
This is designed to deepen your understanding of essential word parts—prefixes, roots, and suffixes—that form the foundation of medical terminology. As you progress, you’ll enhance your language mastery and fluency in the language of medicine.
Word Part Identification:
Review the terms, prefixes, roots, and suffixes from your chapter reading,
Identify 10 terms and highlight and define the prefixes, roots, and suffixes within each term.
Application Exercise:
Construct 10 sentences or scenarios using the identified words or word parts.
In a new Word document, start with your name and date at the top Copy and p
In a new Word document, start with your name and date at the top
Copy and paste the questions below (keep the numeric question format in your document)
Answer each question with at least 2-3 complete sentences for full credit
Re-upload and submit the completed Word document to Canvas
Madison Wills worked night shift on a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) at a major medical center. She assumed the care of a very sick premature infant who weighed 1 kg (a little over 2 lb). Sylvia Smithson had been the infant’s nurse during the day shift. Sylvia had started the infant’s intravenous (IV) antibiotic infusion at 6:30 p.m., just before shift change. She reported that the infant’s IV line in his arm was flowing without difficulty and the IV site had no redness or swelling.
When Madison assessed the infant at 7:45 after the end-of-shift report, she noted that the baby’s arm was swollen and that the IV had infiltrated (was no longer in the vein). When she stopped the medication, she also noted that the dose on the antibiotics was incorrect and was much too large for a very small infant.
Answer the following questions:
What is the first thing that Madison should do after discovering these two problems?
Which of these problems (the infiltration or the dosing) was the most significant?
What is the nurse’s responsibility when an antibiotic is prepared by the pharmacy?
Did malpractice occur? Why or why not?
Who would you hold responsible for the errors which occurred? Why?
What could have been done to prevent the errors?
Assignments will NOT be accepted by email or in the Canvas Comments Box.
You have multiple attempts (prior to grading) in case an error is made to re-submit your assignment or journal to Canvas.
It is your responsibility to check Canvas to be sure assignments have been submitted completely and correctly prior to the due date and time. You will not be allowed to re-submit once an assignment has been graded.
If assignments/journals are not submitted in the correct format as an attachment in Microsoft Word, (submit a blank document or a Pages document, for example) students will receive a ‘0’ on that assignment and will not be allowed to re-submit.
You may turn this assignment in late for up to 2 days for a -10 percentage point penalty per day.
View Rubric
For this online discussion, you will: Participate in a “panel discussion” f
For this online discussion, you will:
Participate in a “panel discussion” for an imaginary town hall audience on “Today’s Big Idea.”
Write an initial post in the voice of an author of one of the closed research theme readings or a major respondent in that reading.
Respond to at least two peers, staying in the voice of your selected author or respondent.
To prepare:
Read all reading assignments from “They Say / I Say” in this module
Complete the M04 Closed Research Theme Reading Check-In
A “Panel Discussion” is a public event in which a group of informed people gathers together in front of an audience to discuss a specific topic, usually led by a moderator who asks their own questions or takes questions from the audience. Watch a few minutes of the video below to get a sense of how a panel discussion works:
In this discussion, you will write in the voice of the author of one of the closed research theme readings. Alternatively, you may write in the voice of a major respondent, expert, or witness who is interviewed or quoted in a closed research theme reading, if you think theirs is a more relevant perspective on the closed research theme. You will be playing this “character” in the panel discussion, adopting their positions and/or responding the way you think they would respond to others in the discussion.
To begin, review the 6 closed research theme readings you have read so far; pick one author or one major respondent you will play in the panel discussion. You will be playing this “character” in the panel discussion for the whole board (initial posts and responses). You need to write in their voice and remain in character throughout the discussion.
Then start a new thread in this board and respond to the following prompt. Click the Post Reply button to submit your initial post:
Identify yourself as the author or respondent you have selected as well as the title of the reading and the person’s role in the reading.
Example: “I’m Alex Tizon, author of ‘Lola’s Story.'”
Example: “I’m Lola, a major figure in Alex Tizon’s ‘Lola’s Story.'”
In the voice of your selected “character,” respond to one or more of the following questions. You can think of these as the questions you are being asked by the moderator or audience member:
How would you answer the guiding question for this section’s closed research theme? (If needed, you can find your class’s closed research theme question in Modules)
What issue regarding the closed research theme do you see as most important or most overlooked? What do you want the panel audience or other panel members to see and understand?
What action, solution, or policy, related to the closed research theme, is closest to your heart? What do you want the panel audience, other panel members, and/or others in society to take action on?
Remember, think about what your “character” (author or major respondent) would believe, know, want, value, etc. This may not be what you personally know or believe, at all! Stick to their perspective and viewpoints as much as you can, based on what you know about their views from the closed research theme reading.