Overview Anthropologists will often conduct research to objectively evaluate

Anthropologists will often conduct research to objectively evaluate cultural practices. Cultural anthropology is the branch of anthropology that deals specifically with human culture. Studying cultural anthropology provides a great amount of insight into other cultures. It can also shed light on and create a deeper understanding and appreciation of one’s own culture. For example, is the culture that you are observing similar to your own culture? If so, you might not even recognize cultural nuances, because they seem “normal” to you. On the other hand, if you see behavior or hear language and slang that you do not recognize, it is likely because the culture differs from your own.
In this course, you were introduced to cultural anthropology and the anthropological concepts that are used to study and understand people, their culture, and their behavior. In the final project film study, you will have the chance to become a cultural anthropologist. The film study is your opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of what culture is, the role it plays in people’s lives, as well as how it influences behavior. In order to do so, you will need to recognize and describe the culture portrayed in the film and discuss cultural values and norms that you observe. You will use anthropological concepts to analyze and explain the behavior of characters, or conflict between the characters, in your chosen film. You will also compare the cultures represented in the film to your own culture.
Select one film from the approved film list. You may select a different film with instructor approval.
Select three of the following anthropological core concepts to discuss in your film study:
Cultural Symbols/Symbolism
Political Systems/Power
Religion/Systems of Belief
Rites of Passage
The project is divided into three milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Two, Four, and Five. The final product will be submitted in Module Seven.
In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:
Articulate observations about the role of culture in human societies for how it influences the human condition
Utilize basic anthropological concepts in explaining the beliefs, practices, and cultural norms of different cultures
Apply basic practices of cultural anthropologists for interpreting interactions between individuals or groups
Utilize the basic principles of cultural relativism when observing and interpreting other cultures and subcultures
For this film study, imagine that you are a cultural anthropologist. Instead of observing real people in the real world, you will observe the actions and cultural practices of the characters in a chosen film. As you watch the film, pay attention to the cultural values and norms that you observe. You will also choose three anthropological concepts and explore how each concept influences the behavior of the characters. Finally, you will reflect on how this exercise has led you to think more deeply about other cultures, as well as your own. Remember, as a cultural anthropologist, you are an objective observer. Therefore, it is important to use the basic principles of cultural relativism as you write about the cultures and subcultures that you observe in the film.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

Cultural Relativism: Throughout the course you have practiced using cultural relativism. In the entirety of your film study, you must do the following:

Use respectful language throughout the film study when describing your observations of characters’ behaviors and their cultures.

Avoid making judgments about the characters based on your own beliefs or cultural norms.

Remain objective when comparing and contrasting cultures, and avoid saying that one culture is better than another.

Introduction: In this section of your film study, you will introduce the film and the three anthropological concepts that you selected.

Provide the title and a brief synopsis of the film that you chose to examine.
Develop a clear thesis statement that identifies the three anthropological concepts that you chose to examine in the film.

Culture: In this section of your film study, you will address how culture is represented in the film.

Describe two cultures that are represented in the film. You may also concentrate on subcultures here.
Identify the cultural norms and values that you observed for each of those two cultures, and provide examples from the film to support your identification.
Explain the similarities and differences that you observed between these cultures.
Describe a scene in which a cultural difference exists between characters and explain how that cultural difference affected their interaction.

Anthropological Concepts: In this section of your film study, use the three anthropological concepts that you identified in your thesis statement to explain the behavior of the characters in three scenes of the film.

Briefly explain how each of the three anthropological concepts is relevant to film.

Concept One: Explain the influence of your first anthropological concept on a character’s behavior in a specific scene.

Concept Two: Explain the influence of your second anthropological concept on a character’s behavior in a specific scene.

Concept Three: Explain the influence of your third anthropological concept on a character’s behavior in a specific scene.

Application: In this section of your film study, you will think more broadly about using methods of cultural anthropology to understand other cultures and your own culture.

Imagine that you are able to conduct an informal interview with one of the film’s characters, instead of simply observing them. Identify interview questions that you would ask and explain how those questions would help you gain a better understanding of the character’s cultural practices.
Compare your own culture to a culture that is represented in the film. What similarities and differences do you see?
After thinking about these cultural similarities and differences, reflect on how your own culture may have impacted your initial interpretation of the behavior that you observed in the film.

Conclusion: In this section of your film study, you will summarize your findings and explain what you took away for this project.

Explain what this project taught you about the influence of culture on the overall human experience. In other words, how does culture shape who we are?
Explain what applying the three anthropological concepts to the film taught you about how beliefs, practices, and cultural norms shape one’s behavior.
Explain how this project will influence your interpretation of interactions in your own daily life.

Milestone One: Setting the Stage
In Module Two, you will submit your choice of film and three concepts. While your choice of concepts can change, your film choice cannot change after submitting this assignment. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone One Rubric.
Milestone Two: Cultural Norms and Values in Film
In Module Four, you will submit a description of the cultures and subcultures present in your chosen film as well as identify some of the observed cultural norms that are unique to the cultures and subcultures in your film. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Two Rubric.
Milestone Three: Analyzing One Concept
In Module Five, you will submit your analysis of one of the three concepts you plan to use to explain the behavior of a character in one of scenes of your film. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Three Rubric.
Final Submission: Anthropological Film Study
In Module Seven, you will submit your final project. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final product. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. This submission will be graded with the Final Project Rubric.
What to Submit
Your film study should be 4 to 6 pages in length with 12-point Times New Roman font and one-inch margins. Follow the most current APA guidelines to cite your film, the MindEdge resource, and any additional resources.

  Overview This journal offers the opportunity to reflect on what you have lear

This journal offers the opportunity to reflect on what you have learned and how you will integrate the feedback you have received and into your final film study.
Learning is essentially about changing behavior—knowledge, skills, or attitudes. What changes have you experienced in what you know, feel, or can do as a result of this course? Discuss these changes and suggest ways you can apply this learning in your film study. This is a reflective opportunity for you to take time to think about what you have learned and how it can apply to your final project. Be sure to address cultural relativism and anthropological concepts.
Be sure that your journal includes each of the following critical elements:

Learning: Identify what you have learned by discussing changes in what you know, feel, and/or can do as a result of this course. What specific course concepts have you been able to apply in your daily life? Be sure to address cultural relativism and anthropological concepts in your discussion.

Application to Film Study: Discuss specific ways you can apply what you learned to your film analysis for the final project.
What to Submit
Your journal should be written in paragraph form using complete sentences. Submit assignment as a Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins.

  Overview An effective presentation includes a summary of the main points in t

An effective presentation includes a summary of the main points in the slides, but the presenter should add additional content in the speaker notes to help explain each point. Some presenters have the the ability to memorize the details through cues in the outline of the presentation, and some can even speak off the cuff. However, for this project, you will create speaker notes for the slides in your presentation, which is due in Module Eight. This will help you consider the outline of your presentation and the content you want to include on each slide.
For this assignment, you will be drafting the speaker notes that will accompany your 5- to 7-slide presentation. The speaker notes can be bullet points related to each item on the slides, or more developed paragraphs that help you fill in the details you wouldn’t include on the slides. This choice is up to you, but either way, the speaker notes should contain substantial details that address each of the required parts of your presentation.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
Provide a brief overview of the scientific background of your issue and question. How does the issue relate to the natural sciences?
Explain how the issue impacts the audience. In other words, how is the issue relevant to members of the audience? Why should the audience care about the response to your question or the outcome of your hypothesis? Support your response with specific examples from your research investigation.
Describe the empirical evidence you have to support your conclusions about the impact of the issue on you personally and on your audience. Support your response with specific examples from your research investigation.
Explain why this issue is important to you personally. In other words, why did you select this issue to investigate?
Illustrate how your investigation of the issue impacted the way you thought about the issue. In other words, how did thinking like a scientist to research, develop a question, and formulate a hypothesis affect what you thought about the issue you selected? How did scientific thinking change the lens through which you viewed the issue? Support your response with specific examples from your research investigation.
Communicate your message in a way that is tailored to your specific audience. For instance, you could consider your vocabulary, your audience’s potential knowledge of current natural science (or lack thereof), and what is specifically important to the audience. This element will not necessarily be a separate slide or step in the process. In your notes that address the previous six prompts, note word choices or pieces that are specifically tailored for your audience.
What to Submit
The draft of your speaker notes can be bullet points or paragraphs related to each item on the slides. Submissions should be 2–4 pages, double spaced, with 12-point Times New Roman font and one-inch margins. You should use current APA guidelines (or another format approved by your instructor) for any references. For your final project, please keep in mind that these speaker notes will accompany 5–7 slides.

Select a disorder that has been discussed in this course. Choose a case study f

Select a disorder that has been discussed in this course.
Choose a case study from the Clinical Case Studies journal that discusses the selected disorder via the University Library.
Imagine this individual has entered the correctional system and needs a plan for the delivery of services while he or she is in the correctional facility, as well as a plan for re-entering into society once his or her time has been served. You have been asked to create and justify this plan using current research. 
1,400 word paper to describe your plan, and provide a justification. Include the following:
Provide a brief summary of the individual, including demographic information, family and social history, the behavioral symptoms he or she is experiencing, and why the individual is now in the correctional system.
Describe appropriate interventions for this individual based on current research.
Determine any ethical considerations for working with this individual as they pertain to professional ethical codes.
Describe any biopsychosocial factors that may play a role in the possibility of recidivism for this individual.
Describe strategies for assisting this individual with the re-entry process.
Include a minimum of four sources to provide evidence that supports your plan.

 United Airlines offers compensation for flight delays, cancellations, and deni

 United Airlines offers compensation for flight delays, cancellations, and denied boarding. To claim compensation, visit united.com and navigate to the “Help Center.” Review the eligibility criteria for compensation under the “Travel Disruptions” section. Submit a claim via the online form, providing flight details and a description of the issue. For further assistance, contact customer service. Compensation may include meal vouchers, hotel accommodations, or monetary compensation for significant delays or involuntary denied boarding. For baggage issues, report immediately at the airport and keep receipts for any necessary purchases due to delayed baggage.

At least two paragraphs summarizing the entirety of the readings.  For exampl

At least two paragraphs summarizing the entirety of the readings.  For example, what is the main idea of the readings, when there are multiple chapters or articles, what ties them together? When citing, use APA style (author/s, (date), page). Some weeks this section will be shorter and other weeks it will be longer based on the week’s readings.
At least one paragraph discussing two concepts that you found particularly interesting, or that challenged your belief system. Reference the specific readings and cite your source using APA style (author/s ( date), page)
At least one paragraph discussing the impact of your reading to your practice.  For example, what should a behavior analyst DO to be most reflective of this content?  Reference the specific readings and cite your source using APA style (author/s, (date), page).
Reference Attached

 Using the Orems self care theory Describe the theorist and principles of the

 Using the Orems self care theory
Describe the theorist and principles of the theory.
Compare and contrast your nursing practice to this theory.
Does your practice align with the principles of this theory in any way, or at any time? Why or why not?
Must contain at least two citations with corresponding references no less than 2018
half of a page

Consider the professional and ethical codes contained in section 5 for Behaviora

Consider the professional and ethical codes contained in section 5 for Behavioral analysts.  Look at the ethical code and individual elements being discussed for the week. Do a search for a current event or news story that highlights a violation of one of the specific elements addressed during the week.  Because behaviorism addresses all  human behavior across disciplines and environments, you may search broadly. Post the article as a link or a document for your classmates and briefly summarize the news story;  give a behavioral interpretation of the occurrence or event. What was the human behavior(s) occurring?  Was this behavior ethical through the lens of the BACB Ethical code for Behavior Analysts?  If our Ethical Code were applied to this story, what would the violation be?

   Objective: The purpose of this activity is to utilized Bloom’s Taxonomy leve

Objective: The purpose of this activity is to utilized Bloom’s Taxonomy level IV & V to assist students refining their clinical reasoning skills by linking scientific knowledge to assessment and intervention planning. This project assists the students to assimilate textbook content and apply scientific information and reason through complex client centered situations.
Instructions: Each student is expected to complete on their own!
Step #1 – Scientific knowledge forms the backdrop for clinical reasoning! Find out ALL you can about the condition.  
Students may use textbooks, scholarly websites, and articles etc. to discover scientific information about the diagnosis.  
Step #2 – Knowing what you know about the condition now – find out what occupational therapy assessments and interventions would be appropriate for a person with this condition.
Additionally, identify the intervention approaches that can be utilized for the condition (health promotion, compensation, adaptation, prevention, restoration, and maintenance from the OTPF. 
Students should begin to integrate the information, and defend their choices of each assessment/intervention to foster critical thinking about how contexts, personal factors, and activity might affect their choices of assessments and interventions. 
Step #3- Students will identify relevant frames of references to use with the diagnosis and justify their choices.
Step #4 –  Student will identify occupational problem areas the diagnosis may impact along with associated limitations/barriers. Each occupational problem area should link to a limitation/barrier. 
Step #5 – Students will utilize the provided case study that includes various contexts, personal factors, and activities select relevant and appropriate occupational therapy assessments for the case study. Additionally, students will design a relevant and meaningful interventions for the case study. The student should develop their interventions considering the client’s contextual issues, interests, activities, personal factors, and practice setting. This step in the diagnosis book assists the student to make substantial and personalized intervention planning.
Step #1: What did you find out about this condition? List all that you researched (signs & symptoms, definition, causes, types, precautions, mediations etc.)
A simple,   concise definition is provided and accurate (1 pts)
Causes of the   condition are listed and are accurate (1 pts)
A thorough   list of signs/symptoms has been outlined (1 pts)
Various types   of the condition have been explored and explained (1 pts)
Associated   problems (secondary) with the diagnosis (1 pts)
Precautions   are identified (1 pts)
Medications   listed that may be involved with the condition (1 pts)
Sources are   identified, are scholarly sources properly cited per APA (1 pts)
8 points
Step #2: What occupational therapy assessments and interventions are appropriate for this condition and why? What are the approaches to intervention?
Evaluations/assessment   listed (at least 3) 
Each   evaluation/assessment is briefly described and justified for its use with the   condition (at least 3)
Intervention   strategies for the condition are listed (at least 3)
Intervention   strategies are appropriate for the condition and justified 
At least one intervention   strategy is documented as being evidenced based and source of information is   provided
Approaches to   interventions are outline per intervention listed and are appropriate 
6 pts
Step #3: What occupational therapy frames of reference/s would be the MOST appropriate with this condition and why? No more than 2 frames of references!
Occupational   frame/s of reference is identified (2pts)
Frame of   reference is briefly described (2 pts)
Frame of   reference is justified as to its application to the condition researched (2   pts)
Interventions   in Step #4 are in line with at least one of the frames of reference (2 pts)
8 points
Step #4: What are the potential impacts of the condition on function (occupational performance)?
Limitations/barriers   are identified through client factors, performance skills, performance   patterns, and context/environment 
Problem Areas   are identified through occupational performance area/s
For   example: Arthritis
Limitations/barriers: weak intrinsic hand muscles, decreased ROM,   Decreased endurance
Occupational   Performance impact: weak intrinsic   hand muscles and decreased ROM leads to decreased ability to hold utensils   for eating and cooking tasks, decreased ability for dressing with fasteners   OR difficulty with clothing management. 
Decreased   endurance leads to inability to work a full 8 hour shift
Total: 10
Step #5: Based on the provided case study identify assessment/s that are appropriate and design an intervention plan that is tailored to meet the needs of the client (consider personal factors, activities, and contextual variables when designing the intervention plan). Defend your choice of assessment/s and interventions for the client by explaining why these assessment/s and interventions were selected.
Appropriate   assessments identified; justification for the selection of the assessment/s   is present. (at least 3) 
Intervention   plan is comprehensive in that it addresses at least 3 problem areas for the   case study
Intervention   plan addresses the following variables:
1.  Personal factors of the client
2.  Activities
3.  Contextual concerns
A rationale   is provided for why each intervention was selected