Assignment is 4 lesson plans, each should be one page. Lesson plan should be for

Assignment is 4 lesson plans, each should be one page. Lesson plan should be for a 1st grade classroom. Music lesson plans should be basic songs that children sing, such as “if you’re happy and you know it clap your hands”, and not from a specific band. Template is attached. Below is instructions from professor: There are two assignments involved, one regarding play and one music. There should be a total of 4 lessons. Students will design 2 art integrated lessons that are connected to a greater Unit (include a rationale to the connections). These lessons must be unique and your own idea. You may choose to use play, visual art, music, drama or dance as the key component to each lesson. Lesson Title: Content Standard Alignment: Lesson Objectives/Instructional Outcomes: (Framework Domain 1c: Setting Instructional Goals) Outline the concept, knowledge, skill, or application students can demonstrate upon lesson completion. This may be the same as or very similar to the content standard; however, it could be narrower or perhaps broader. Objectives may be stated in the form of critical questions students should be able to answer. Relationship to Unit Structure: (Framework Domain 1e: Designing Coherent Instruction) How does this lesson support the unit goals / enduring understandings? How does this lesson build on the previous lesson in this instructional sequence? How does this lesson support the next lesson in this instructional sequence? Instructional Materials/Resources: (Framework Domain 1d: Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources) List all materials and resources required by teacher and/or students, include preparation or other special instructions; e.g. paper based materials such as text books, technology equipment, science equipment or supplies, art materials or equipment. Methods and Instructional Strategies (Framework Domain 1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy) Anticipated Student Misconceptions: Concept Prerequisites: List all key concepts and terminology necessary for students to understand the concepts as well as meet the standards, goals and objectives of the lesson. Introduction: Anticipatory Set: Instructional Activities: Includes questioning techniques, grouping strategies, pedagogical approaches. Wrap Up: Synthesis/Closure: Differentiation According to Student Needs: (Framework Domain 1b: Demonstrating Knowledge of Students) Address diverse student needs including students with an IEP or 504, cultural or linguistic needs. Assessment (Formative and Summative): (Framework Domain 1f: Assessing Student Learning)

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