Using the
Using the search tools on the Web site above, perform a search, and select a franchise that interests you.
Once you have looked at the information provided, please prepare and submit a written report that covers the following:
Name of franchise you selected and a brief summary of the business opportunity.
Why you selected the franchise you did. What was it about this particular franchise that attracted you to it?
Start-up costs. Specify what the owner (“franchisee”) will have to invest, as well as any contributions toward start-up that the franchisor will make.
Potential profit or income from the business. It is possible that this information will not be provided at the sites above, so be prepared to do some research beyond what’s available there.
Support that the franchisor will provide the owner (“franchisee”), such as training, supplies, materials/equipment, location, building.
Any other general comments or observations that you feel are relevant to evaluating this opportunity. This could include information you find online about what people who have invested in the franchise have to say about their experience.
Again, you may need to search the Internet beyond the two franchising Web sites listed in order to obtain this additional information.

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