Step One: Locate an article in a professional nursing journal. Lo

Step One: Locate an article in a professional nursing journal.

Locate the name of a recent (<5 years), professional, nursing journal related to the area of nursing you are interested in pursuing. Please refer to the Library and APA Resources to help guide you.  Find one scholarly, peer-reviewed article in that journal that interests you and read it; editorial and topical articles will not suffice.  Step Two: Write an APA reference. Use the article that you found to write a properly formatted APA reference; only the reference is needed, you do not need to write a summary for this assignment. Type the APA reference on a Word document.  Please include the appropriate heading for a 7th edition APA reference page Step Three: Submit TWO attachments to Canvas (See instructions here (Links to an external site.) for uploading more than one file to a submission) Attach the reference in Word format. Attach the article in a .pdf format. You will need to submit a copy of your article; this needs to be a .pdf file and not just a copy of the link. Please see the rubric for details on how to avoid deductions for this assignment. 

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