2024 Final Project Guidelines: PowerPoint Presentation- Due August 30, 2024 Fina

2024 Final Project Guidelines: PowerPoint Presentation- Due August 30, 2024 Final Project Guidelines: PowerPoint Presentation- Due August 30, 2024 Final Project Guidelines Final Project Guidelines: PowerPoint Presentation- Due August 30, 2024 Topic: Developmental Stages Project Topics: 1 Infancy- Ifeanyi Amuta ( John) 1 Early Childhood- (GerdaSt. Fort)  2 Puberty or Teenage 3 Young Adults 4 Middle Adulthood 5 Older Adults 6 End of Life (mine is on) Instructions: ◦ Each student will choose one of the developmental stages listed above as their topic. 1 Presentation Requirements: ◦ Title Slide: Include the project title, group members’ names, and the developmental stage. ◦ Introduction: Briefly introduce the developmental stage. ◦ Key Characteristics: Discuss the main characteristics of this stage (physical, cognitive, emotional, and social aspects). ◦ Challenges and Milestones: Highlight significant challenges and milestones during this stage. ◦ Health and Well-being: Discuss important health considerations and tips for well-being at this stage. ◦ Support Systems: Identify key support systems and resources beneficial for individuals in this stage. ◦ Case Study: Include a brief case study illustrating a typical scenario for this developmental stage. ◦ Conclusion: Summarize the main points of your presentation. ◦ References: Cite all sources in APA format. ◦ Minimum of 10 slides. ◦ Slides should include: ◦ Visual aids (images, charts, graphs) are encouraged to enhance the presentation. 2 Content Guidelines: ◦ Ensure the content is accurate, relevant, and comprehensive. ◦ Use bullet points, concise text, and clear headings. ◦ Avoid excessive text on slides; use the notes section for additional details if needed. 3 Presentation Delivery: ◦ Each person will have 15-20 minutes to present. ◦ Practice your presentation to ensure it fits within the time limit. 4 Grading Criteria: 30% of your Final Grade  ◦ Content (40%): Accuracy, relevance, depth of information, and adherence to the topic. ◦ Organization (20%): Logical flow, clarity, and coherence of the presentation. ◦ Visuals (20%): Quality and relevance of visual aids, creativity, and engagement. ◦ Delivery (20%): Speaking skills and ability to engage the audience. 5 Submission: ◦ Submit your PowerPoint file to the designated platform via Canvas by August  23, 2004 ◦ Late submissions will incur a penalty unless prior arrangements have been made. 6 Additional Tips: ◦ Start your research early. ◦ Use credible sources for your information ◦ Seek feedback from your instructor or peers on your draft slides. Feel free to reach out with any questions or for further clarification. Good luck, and I look forward to your presentations!

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