The movie “Warhorse” concerns World War I and the effect it has on various peopl

The movie “Warhorse” concerns World War I and the effect it has on various people in many lands. The assignment calls for analysis of specific themes and questions, not a plot summary. I am expecting a 4 to 5-page essay concerning those topics. I have included some information within the assignment to help you with your answers, but you will be required to do some research on your own. A work cited page and citations within the text will be required for any research you do.
World War I was part of that transitional moment when the world was catapulted into the
modern era of industry, finance, politics and war. Some maintained a firm grasp on the
old traditions, desperate to fight the currents of change while others propelled themselves
forward with broad stokes, defiant of the odds, determined to succeed at all costs. In this
war, much was lost but much was gained in the process. The common thread throughout
this bold tapestry is the continuing saga of the human condition, that element that
permeates all histories.
The story begins with a young man named Albert and the birth of the horse about whom
this story is told. Joey is the name of said horse and the storyline concerns the
experiences of both individuals before, during and after World War I.
So much of this film is symbolic, from the characters drawn to the events as they unfold.
I want you to open your heart and mind to this story for the elements are universal, then
and now. Talk about what Albert represents within you, within us all and do the same
with Joey and each of the characters you encounter in this amazing story. Think of the
relationship between characters within the story but also think of how that interaction
transcends the screen and permeates the world.
This is an emotional journey so I want you to fully engage your own personal histories as
you encounter these people, these situations and speak from your heart. If elements of
the story conjure up visions of past events in your life, feel free to discuss them. If the
movie offers alternative paths to situations you have experienced, discuss what you
learned and how you grew from the experience of seeing this movie.
In addition to being a rich depiction of humanity in all its glory, it offers insights into the
Great War. Talk about what you learned about the war that you did not consider or even
know. Did the movie make the events we discussed in class come to life? How so?
In the end, I want to know how this movie changed you. What did you learn about
yourself? What did you learn about others? What did you learn about life in general?
This is a movie you will see more than once, a movie you will show to others, perhaps
your children. What do you want them to take away from this movie? In your
conclusion, I want you to try to distill all you experienced in watching this film into a
simple plan for the future: for yourself, for others. That this film is inspiring is an
understatement. What does this film inspire you to be? What does it inspire you to
accomplish? What is the message you wish to transmit across time to future

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