Prior to beginning work on this journal, read Chapter 1 in your text, Moffat’s H

Prior to beginning work on this journal, read Chapter 1 in your text, Moffat’s Helping Those in Need: Human Service WorkersLinks to an external site., Neukreg’s The Holland Code of Members of the National Organization for Human Services: A Preliminary Study of Human Services ProfessionalsLinks to an external site., and HS-BCP CredentialLinks to an external site.. Your journal entry can be informally written in first person and should contain approximately 500 to 700 words. If you know precisely the position you hope to hold in the human services profession after finishing your degree, then this will be fairly simple. If you do not know what position you are going to seek after graduation, then focus on a population that interests you most at this current time (e.g., homeless individuals, military families, domestic violence victims, foster families, etc.) and the type of role you think that you would like to serve with that population (e.g., leadership or management, direct services with clients or case management, etc.).
In your journal,
Conduct a search, and report what skills and qualifications are involved in this position.
Continue the search to identify the overall compensation, degree requirements, licensure requirements (if any), and any other helpful information that will guide your journaling on this position.
Do you plan to pursue the Human Services Board Certified Practitioner (HS-BCP) credential? How will this help you in your new position?
What excites you the most about this position? What concerns you?

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