Unit 2 – IP Description: Still using the Project Charter/Project Management

Unit 2 – IP

Still using the Project Charter/Project Management Plan template was previously submitted, now focus on the following sections below:
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
Project Schedule
Communication Plan
Risk Register
Project Value
Assignment requirements:
Define the Project Work: Define the scope of the project.
Create the WBS: Start with the high-level deliverables and add the lower level elements to include the lowest level work package. (If you selected the agile method, develop an agile roadmap instead)
Develop the Project Schedule: Determine the activities for the project schedule using your WBS. Your schedule should a WBS that is 30 levels down and should have no less than 30 activities. (If you selected the agile method, your schedule should reflect sprint planning)
Determine the Budget: Determine the overall project budget. Include major categories such as materials, labor, and other expenses.
Develop a Communication Plan: Using the stakeholders you identified in unit 1, create a communications management plan matrix. Among other things, be sure to include whom you will be communicating with, about what, via what means and how often.
Identify Risk: Identify the risks that are associated with your project. Include both negative and positive risks.
Articulate the Value Delivery: Discuss the enterprise value specific to your project. How will your project add value to the enterprise?

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