following these requirement: Outline In the first paragraph, write an introducti

following these requirement:
In the first paragraph, write an introduction to your essay. Introduce the authors and the stories you have chosen. Explain why you chose these pieces. Include your thesis (the central theme or main idea) about the connections you see between the two stories and why that connection is meaningful.
In the second paragraph, summarize the first story. Identify the main characters. Describe the setting (time and place). Explain what happens in the plot and what the theme of the story is. Note important aspects of the author’s writing style, such as voice, point of view, vocabulary, etc.
In the third paragraph, summarize the second story. Identify the main characters. Describe the setting (time and place). Explain what happens in the plot and what the theme of the story is. Note important aspects of the author’s writing style, such as voice, point of view, vocabulary, etc. 
In the fourth paragraph, identify connections between the two stories. How does one story explain, inform, or support the other story? Present your ideas thoroughly. Use details from each story as evidence. 
In the fifth paragraph, write a conclusion. Restate your thesis and offer some point of evaluation. Were these authors successful in communicating a message? Why or why not? Why should we care about what they have to say? It doesn’t matter if you offer a positive or negative view; the important thing is that you support your opinion with information from the stories. 

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