We have to get an example of code-switching either between varieties or language

We have to get an example of code-switching either between varieties or languages. This example is preferred to be evidenced by attaching a short part of a real-life video that could be related to an influencer(ex. in an interview or maybe an ad), politician(giving out a speech), actors(in a movie), etc. where code-switching has taken place in there. Don’t stick only to those examples that I gave; you have the flexibility as long as it’s not a made-up one. We need to indicate which theory is the code-switching taking its approach is it using 1)Gumperz 2)Myers-Scotton(markedness theory) 3)Giles 4)Scotton and Ury ? We need to specify one of the four that we think code-switching can be best analyzed by their theory(I will provide the reading that explains their theories about code-switching). Make sure that you get a good understanding of the theories I mentioned; the reading will be provided as mentioned but only go through pages 30-33 and 61-73 this is where the theories are explained (page numbers are indicated on the top of every page and not the pdf number).  However, out of the four theories, you have to choose only one approach that you think best explains the code-switching example you chose.

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