For the content, please summarize the findings from each paper that you report o

For the content, please summarize the findings from each paper that you report on. Compare how the findings of the paper are similar and how the findings from the papers differ (if they do). Did you (the reporter) agree with the results that were found in the research papers? Why or why not? When directly quoting an article please include quotations and an in-text citation. Then end with the similarities and differences of methods or findings of all three articles
Minimum of 2 pages
Minimum of 3 peer reviewed resources
12 pt times new roman font
1.5X spacing
Grammar and spelling
Use in-text citation, either APA or MLA
For example: “This leads to that because that is caused by this (1).” 
 “This leads to that because that is caused by this (Author et al. 2019).”

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