STEP 3Submit your one (1) page Book Report/Journal Article Summary here. Instruc

STEP 3Submit your one (1) page Book Report/Journal Article Summary here.
Type and submit a one (1) page report/summary of book/article addressing an alternative or complementary therapy or theory of health.
The book or journal article needs to be published within five (5) years by a credentialed author(s) and be about a specific CAM therapy not just a general book or article about therapies.
Try the techniques or therapies learned and describe your experience in your report/summary.Project #1Project #1CriteriaRatingsPts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeArticle or Book Selection5 ptsFull MarksArticle or book was submitted to professor for prior approval. Article or book is specific to a CAM therapy and is published within the last 5 years.2.5 ptsHalf CreditArticle or book was submitted to professor for prior approval. Article or book is specific to a CAM therapy. Article or book was published more than 5 years ago.0 ptsNo MarksArticle or book was NOT submitted to professor for prior approval. Article or book is not specific to a CAM therapy or describes CAM generally. Article or book was published more than 5 years ago.
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSummary60 ptsFull MarksStudent submitted cliff note on time. Cliff note is at least 1 page in length. Student summarizes book or article thoroughly and includes suggestions to improve health or treat symptoms. Cliff note is interesting and makes the reader want to read the book or article.30 ptsHalf CreditStudent submitted cliff note after the due date. Cliff note is at least 1 page in length. Student summarizes book or article thoroughly and includes suggestions to improve health or treat symptoms. Cliff note is interesting and makes the reader want to read the book or article.0 ptsNo MarksStudent submitted cliff note past the due date. Cliff note is shorter than 1 page in length. Topic was not summarized thoroughly and/or key elements are missing. Note does not include suggestions to improve health or treat symptoms.
60 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTimely Submission10 ptsFull MarksCliff note was submitted on time.0 ptsNo MarksCliff note was submitted past the due date.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeExperience Summary25 ptsFull MarksStudent tried the technique described in the book or article and wrote a review of their personal experience. The review was interesting to read and offered insight on the CAM therapy.12.5 ptsHalf CreditStudent mentioned that they tried the technique described in the book or article, but they did not include a review of their personal experience in the summary.0 ptsNo MarksStudent did not try the CAM therapy mentioned in their chosen book or article.
25 pts
Total Points: 100

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