Unlimited Attempts Allowed Available after May 6, 2024 12:00am5/6/2024 Instructi

Unlimited Attempts Allowed
Available after May 6, 2024 12:00am5/6/2024
Complete and submit your assignment using the following steps:
Step 1: Download and complete the Week 8 Assignment Template [DOCX] Download Week 8 Assignment Template [DOCX].
Step 2: Save the template as, YourName_WRK100_Week8_DevelopmentPlan.
Step 3: Submit your completed template below.
Note: Review the Week 8 Assignment rubric below before submitting.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
Outline a plan for developing skills to support a successful learning experience and career.
10 Skills Defined:
Visit the Strayer 10 Skills HubLinks to an external site. for an interactive overview of all 10 Essential Employability Skills.
10 Skills Definitions [PDF] Download 10 Skills Definitions [PDF].
Strayer University Career Center:
Visit the Strayer University Career Center and review the Career Exploration Guides. These guides provide tools to help you explore careers related to your major or concentration. Use the information to learn about your career path and opportunities in it. This information can also help you make a transition into positions related to your major or concentration.
You can also reach out to a Career Coach directly.
Week 8 Assignment – Development Plan for Two Skills
Week 8 Assignment – Development Plan for Two Skills
Choose Your Two Skills; Desired Outcome; and Goal Statement22.5 to >20.25 pts
Identified two skills. Discussed the benefits of improving the two skills and future-state having improved these skills. Created a SMART goal statement for your two chosen skills.20.25 to >18 pts
Identified two skills. Discussed general benefits of improving the two skills and future-state having improved these skills. Created a SMART goal statement for your two chosen skills with minor errors.18 to >15.75 pts
Identified one skill. Discussed general benefits of improving one skill and future-state having improved that skills. Created a SMART goal statement for one skill with errors.15.75 to >13.5 pts
Needs Improvement
Identified one skill. Did one of the following: 1) Described general benefits of improving one skill and future-state having improved that skill. 2) Created a SMART goal statement for one skill with errors.13.5 to >0 pts
Did not choose two skills and did not include a desired outcome or goal statement./ 22.5 pts
22.5 to >20.25 pts
Explained how 1–2 resources can help you strengthen your two chosen skills, with specific supporting personal examples.20.25 to >18 pts
Explained how 1–2 resources can help you strengthen your two chosen skills, with general examples.18 to >15.75 pts
Identified 1–2 resources but only explained how they can help you strengthen one skill.15.75 to >13.5 pts
Needs Improvement
Identified 1–2 resources but did not explain how they can help you strengthen your two chosen skills.13.5 to >0 pts
Did not identify resources./ 22.5 pts
Action Steps
22.5 to >20.25 pts
Described specific action plan steps you will take to build upon your two chosen skills.20.25 to >18 pts
Described general action plan steps you will take to build upon your two chosen skills.18 to >15.75 pts
Described action plan steps you will take to build upon one skill.15.75 to >13.5 pts
Needs Improvement
Listed action steps but did not explain how you will build upon your two chosen skills.13.5 to >0 pts
Did not describe action steps./ 22.5 pts
Potential Challenges and Overcoming Challenges
22.5 to >20.25 pts
Described potential challenges to reaching your goals or developing your skills and specified ways to overcome them for your two chosen skills.20.25 to >18 pts
Listed potential challenges to reaching your goals or developing your skills and specified ways to overcome them for your two chosen skills.18 to >15.75 pts
Listed potential challenges to reaching your goals or developing your skills and specified ways to overcome them for one skill.15.75 to >13.5 pts
Needs Improvement
Listed potential challenges to reaching your goal or developing your skill for one skill.13.5 to >0 pts
Did not describe potential challenges to reaching your goal or developing your skills./ 22.5 pts
Key Supporters
17.5 to >15.75 pts
Identified two individuals who can support you as you develop your skills and explained how they will help you meet your goals, with specific supporting personal examples.15.75 to >14 pts
Identified two individuals who can support you as you develop your skills and explained how they will help you meet your goals, with general examples.14 to >12.25 pts
Identified one individual who can support you as you develop your skill and explained how they will help you meet your goal for one skill.12.25 to >10.5 pts
Needs Improvement
Identified one supporter but did not explain how they will help you meet your goals.10.5 to >0 pts
Did not identify supporters./ 17.5 pts
Write with appropriate grammar, mechanics, and spelling.
12.5 to >11.25 pts
Writes with appropriate grammar, mechanics, and spelling. There are minimal errors (0–4).11.25 to >10 pts
Writes with appropriate grammar, mechanics, and spelling. There are few errors (5–9).10 to >8.75 pts
Attempts to write with appropriate grammar, mechanics, and spelling, but errors are noticeable (10–14).8.75 to >7.5 pts
Needs Improvement
Writing contains many errors (15–19) in grammar, mechanics, and spelling.7.5 to >0 pts
Writing has an abundance of errors (20 or more) in grammar, mechanics, and spelling.

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