Signature Assignment: Business Plan Proposal Assume that you are a new leader in

Signature Assignment: Business Plan Proposal
Assume that you are a new leader in the organization where you are doing clinicals and your leadership team has given you the assignment to review their quality indicator scores and find one that needs to be improved. From that, you need to develop a problem statement/descriiption of what you found to present at the end of your investigation.
Create a business plan/proposal (based on the organizations preferred format discovered in week 1) for a quality change initiative that includes the following:
Identify a NDNQI quality Indicator Score that needs to improve.
1. Describe the problem.
Select and describe a Change Management Model to be used.
Develop a project charter.
Identify the key stakeholders.
Identify and recommend a potential technology product. (Choose at least two products and compare them side by side using a Venn diagram or side by side comparison.
Define the success metrics that you propose.
Include at least 2 relevant audience-appropriate sources
Comprise your final proposal to include the information, the situation, the background, the analysis, and the recommendation. Make an informed decision based on what you learned through your research and clinical hours. APA. with citations and refence books.

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