hello I have a fin h.w first you should look for an income statement & balance s

I have a fin h.w
first you should look for an income statement & balance sheet for 2 years ( 2021 n 2022 Or 2022 n 2023 ONLY)
so only 2 years from the last 3 years
second .. the company must be like Apple , Samsung , b.m.w (big and famous company)
I need an intro (only 3 lines) so short intro about the company
and the conclusion just write if u recommend to buy shares from this company or no (so very short conclusion as well)
DSO and debit ratio are (the lower the better)
all other formulas are ( the higher the better)
and for PE may u should search about earning per share and price per share in the internet
here is a comparing for two companies”example” ( but our h.w is comparing for 2 years for the same company )
I need a pdf and an excel files

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