Write me a scriipt please and follow all of the directions in the attachments P

Write me a scriipt please and follow all of the directions in the attachments
PART ONE: Ethical Dilemma
Read the ethical dilemma below; after reading, write a scriipt for your presentation and then VIDEO RECORD yourself explaining how Bentham or Kant from our course would inform Macbeth’s or Lady Macbeth’s predicament as he/she struggles with his/her desire and ambition for the throne, even if the cost is murder of the King. Use terminology specific to the theory of your chosen philosopher that will demonstrate both understanding of the philosopher and a solution to the moral question.
Upload your scriipt and video to complete the assignment.
Dilemma: How would the philosopher advise Macbeth (or Lady Macbeth) regarding what they ought to do (the concise definition of ethics) as they plot murder to gain the throne. Here is a quick reminder of each of their thoughts as they wrestle with the desire to murder Duncan. The citation is included so that you can read the full soliloquies if you choose to read further:

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