For your essay, please choose Religious Contact theme and use it to analyze chan

For your essay, please choose Religious Contact theme and use it to analyze change over time in the Global Middle Ages, between 1000–1600. Your essay must use at least one primary source from each of the 3 units —at least 3 primary sources in total. An excellent essay will also use secondary sources and class lectures to build the context for the primary sources and the changes you demonstrate.
Your response will be judged on the quality of your historical and source analysis, as well as the depth and sophistication of the context you provide for the texts and historical developments.
I have uploaded one primary and one secondary sources for each unite. The Alexiad is the primary and The Normans is the secondary source (1000-1200C). From (1200-1400C) The secret History of Mongol is the primary and Temur and the early Timurids is the secondary. From (1400-1600C) 95 Theses is the Primary and Cemal Kafadar is the secondary.
I am also uploading some of the class slides

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