**Read: 1. Balbin and Rosso (2021) https://www.animateyour.science/post/how-to-

1. Balbin and Rosso (2021)
2. Jambor and Bornhäuser (2024)
3. Cell Press (2024)
**Then pick: a primary research article — NOT a review, perspective, or synthesis paper — about any area of evolutionary medicine that is of interest to you and does not already have a graphical abstract.
**Design: a graphical abstract for the paper you chose.
**Write: one page or less describing (1) the story you are trying to tell with your graphical abstract and (2) how and why you made the design choices that you did.
**Submit: as a single document, your graphical abstract, your one-page descriiption, and a pdf copy of the paper you created a graphical abstract for.

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