Write a 1,200-word (+/- 10%) popular press article which informs the reader of,

Write a 1,200-word (+/- 10%) popular press article which informs the reader of, at least, one of the three reason why we, as students of leadership, study theory: 1) to make the academic practical; 2) to transform people, organizations, or industries; and/or, 3) to solve problems. You should integrate at least one leadership theory in your discussion. The purpose for the article is to educate the reader (being defined as a student of leadership) on the power and value associated with the knowledge of your selected purpose(s) while engaging followers. NOTE: the purpose of this assignment is to determine if you are able to understand exactly what is being asked of you. The parameters for this assignment will be discussed during the first live-meeting presentation.
(Doctoral Writing)

iew Rubric
Minor Project Rubric (not QEP) (4)
Minor Project Rubric (not QEP) (4)
Content Knowledge25 to >23 pts
Demonstrates proficiency in content knowledge of the subject matter. Shows mastery of the literature on topic.23 to >20 pts
Demonstrates sufficiency in content knowledge of the subject matter. Shows understanding of the key literature elements.20 to >0 pts
Demonstrates insufficiency in content knowledge of the topic. Shows week understanding of the literature./ 25 pts
Critical Thinking
25 to >23 pts
Demonstrates a high level of insight into the application of content knowledge to the topic of the project. Goes beyond the existing body of literature to show added insights.23 to >20 pts
Demonstrates sufficient application of the content to the topic of the project. Shows some insights but does not add to the body of knowledge.20 to >0 pts
Demonstrates insufficiency in applying content knowledge to the topic of the project. Shows little to no insight into the application of the literature./ 25 pts
25 to >23 pts
Writing is flawless with excellent ‘flow’, no grammar/spelling/punctuation errors and no style guide errors.23 to >20 pts
Sufficient in writing with less than five total writing errors. Flow is sufficient, but not demonstrating mastery. Five or fewer total grammar/spelling errors. Five or fewer total style guide errors.20 to >0 pts
Writing skill is insufficient with more than five errors in flow, five or more in grammar/spelling, and five or more style errors./ 25 pts
Research Design/Method Knowledge
25 to >23 pts
Demonstrates proficiency in selecting the appropriate research design/method, sample plan, data collection, analysis, and draws appropriate conclusions from the analysis.23 to >20 pts
Demonstrates sufficiency in selection of method/design but with some support flaws. Some flaws in sampling, as well as some flaws in analysis and conclusions.20 to >0 pts
Insufficient selection of method/design or support for the selection. Sampling errors, analysis errors, and lack of logic in conclusions drawn/ 25 pts
Total Points: 0

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