INSTRUCTIONS: PART 1 Review the steps to guide moral decision-making (Table 18.1

Review the steps to guide moral decision-making (Table 18.1 in chapter 18 of the ebook Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice: A Practical Guide for Nursing) and the ethical concepts of autonomy, beneficence, and nonmaleficence.
Then, write 200–250 words using the discussion prompts to guide your initial post. Reply to at least two of your peers’ posts.
DISCUSSION PROMPTSHow are ethical principles adhered to when creating EBP guidelines?
Research one ethical principle of interest. How is the principle supported through evidence-based practice?
Review the Nursing Scope and Standards of Practice. How are these standards followed when implementing EBP?
Find a current agency practice protocol or clinical practice guideline related to your group’s clinical problem. You will use this CPG/protocol to evaluate and confirm the rationale for the proposed intervention or EBP change (PICOT activity from module 1). Then, create a Microsoft Word document and answer the following questions. Your response should be a minimum of 3–5 sentences in length, original (in your own words), and use professional writing.
Provide a summary of the CPG/protocol.
What about the current practice guideline or protocol needs improvement?
How does the current practice guideline or protocol negatively impact patient outcomes?
What do you perceive as the biggest barrier to changing the CPG/protocol?

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