Managing project change is the one of the biggest factor in a project’s success

Managing project change is the one of the biggest factor in a project’s success and must be a priority for any project manager role. Remember that a project change is any change to scope, schedule, costs, quality and other critical project criteria. These changes must be recognized, evaluated, communicated and planning adjustments must be made to minimize the risks for project completion.
1. Read chapter 11 and 12 of your text. These two chapters will focus on managing project changes and deliverables.
2. Research and identify project change types and essential elements of a project change control system. Save your links for your works cited section.
3. Research the term configuration management plan. Find examples of several CM plan. Hint: you might have better results by identifying in your search term the type of documents you want to return such as a Word document (.doc) or an Acrobat file (.pdf).
4. Summarize your understanding of your reading exercises and online research in brief a paper that focuses on the following elements.
Define project change and what it means to the scope of a project.
Describe several key management principles for effective project change control.
Explain what a configuration management plan is and why it is critical to define one for a project.
Use a word processing program and address your findings in a brief summary. Also, list all your resources in an Appendix titled “Works Cited” including your textbook. Upload the assignment as your last name_WK6 PM Summary.

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