Week 4 Discussion: ShariLynn’s Challenging Behavior 49 Unread replies60 Replies

Week 4 Discussion: ShariLynn’s Challenging Behavior
49 Unread replies60 Replies
Identifying functions of behavior is an important step in any development of creating an intervention plan. This step helps to reduce the implementation of ineffective behavioral support plans. For this discussion question, please read the case study of ShariLynn located on pages 111–113 of your Functional Assessment text. Then, write a substantial discussion post on the following:
Identify the function of ShariLynn’s challenging behaviors. To do this, analyze the ABC data found on pages 112–113.
Provide a rationale for why you selected that function, after you have identified the function of ShariLynn’s behavior.
Provide an explanation as to why the other functions are not applicable for this case.
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Read the posts of your peers and respond to one. Your response should be substantive and demonstrate your understanding of the material. What aspects of the post do you like or agree with? Are there areas that are not clear? Did the post spark questions that you would like to ask your peer? In this, and in all of your courseroom posts, be sure to keep your tone scholarly, respectful, and professional.
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