COVID-19 has had a significant impact on the lives of millions of people worldwi

COVID-19 has had a significant impact on the lives of millions of people worldwide. We
have seen our personal lives change in ways we would never have thought imaginable.
The workplace has undergone a significant transformation as well. Employers have had
to implement new safety protocols to ensure their employees’ safety, including PPE,
modified hours of operations, education, and financial burdens.
Reflect on your workplace on how the workplace was run from a health perspective preCOVID-19 to post-COVID-19:
How has COVID-19 effected your place of employment?
How has COVID-19 changed your perception of health and safety in the
Have the protocols that were taken been effective?
Has this Pandemic changed how you conduct yourself in the workplace, and
have the protocols been effective in your own opinion?
Submit a Word document in APA format.
Maximum three pages in length, excluding the Title and Reference pages. Please use “Jen” in students name
At least two resource

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