Step 1: Orientation The school organises a HEALTH DAY and asks you to present a

Step 1: Orientation
The school organises a HEALTH DAY and asks you to present a mental health disorder in order to raise awareness for such issues.
Step 2: Preparation
Your teacher will assign the groups and the subjects. As a group, you need to fill in the information grid. In order to come up with sufficient and interesting information, you must search the internet. Look for at least three reliable and trustworthy sources.
Once you’ve collected all the information, you start preparing the presentation. Keep the following requirements in mind:
–          The presentation should be between 5 to 10 minutes long (make sure everyone has an equal share in the presentation).
–          Include all the information from the grid.
–          Create a poster to visualise your presentation (e.g. Canva).
–          Use the appropriate structure: introduction, body and conclusion.
–          Practise your presentation at home (pay attention to pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary…)
–          Take a look at the evaluation grid.
Step 3: Action
Present your findings to your fellow pupils. Be calm and confident and speak clearly.

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