Assignment 1 Details: vAssessment Type: Technical Report Writing vWeighting :50

Assignment 1 Details:
vAssessment Type: Technical Report Writing
vWeighting :50% of the final grade
vLate rule :Applied
vType : Group Assessment
vSubmission details :Soft Copy onto Moodle
vDue Date : 26-May-2024 16:00 hrs.
Learning outcomes (LOs):
[1]Demonstrate technical report writing structure and design; with the use of research, data analysis and graphical representations techniques.
Assignment 1 Task: Technical Report Writing
Each group of student is asked to write a technical report about a technology, technique or method that could improve the environmental practices in order to reach stronger sustainable development within Bahrain. The report will include a comparison between the new technology or technique will be adapted and the one used up to date. Also, the report will provide background information for both of the technologies or techniques, data representation, data analysis, discussion, recommendation and conclusion.
The report should contain the following Sections:
1.Abstract: Write a summary about the report which include an overall idea about the report; overall information about the result found (avoid detailed information).
2.Introduction: State a brief introduction about the topic and show the aim of the report. Discuss the theory of the topic, and present what are the most important areas.
3.Background: include all the necessary information which give a clear idea to the reader about the topic such as technology or technique mechanism, technical drawings, graphical data, and any other related information that might help to provide a better image for the reader.
4.Discussion and Analysis: a comprehensive discussion about the result should be included in this part based on the data and information available in the previous part (Background). This part will give the reader an idea about most important points in the data, and it should focus on the main report findings.
5.Conclusion: The conclusion should summarize all of the report’s important points. This section should also include what has been done in the report, review and highlights of the main points and State if anything special or worth noticing.
6.Recommendation: Recommendation section include future recommendation that the author think its going to improve the report. Ask you self if I need to make this report better what shall I do? In term of data validity, information and analysis.
7.Bibliography: Include a list of all the high-quality references in APA format that came up during the research on this experimentation.
Detailed Marking Rubric for Technical Report Writing (50% of Final Grade)
10.0 – 9.0
8.0 – 7.0
6.0 – 4.0
3.0 – 0.0
Specific and detailed description of the report;
All the main objectives, findings and conclusions identified very clearly;
Description of the report with some detail;
Most of the main objectives, findings and conclusions identified very clearly;
Lacks detail;
Some reference to the main objectives, findings and conclusions;
Description incomplete with little or no detail;
Little or no reference to objectives, findings and conclusions;
10.0 – 9.0
8.0 – 7.0
6.0 – 4.0
3.0 – 0.0
Clearly indicates the main purpose of the report and a summary of the report, so the reader can anticipate the text that will follow;
Narratively integrates critical and logical details from literature;
All the main application of the technology or technique are presented;
Adequately indicates the main purpose of the report and a summary of the report;
Key constructs and variables were connected to relevant, reliable theoretical literature;
Most of the main technology or technique application of the project are presented;
Although the report issue is identified, the statement is too broad, or the description fails to establish the importance of the problem area;
Connections to the literature are unclear or limited;
Only a few industrial applications of the technology or technique are presented;
Statement of the problem, significance, definitions were omitted or inappropriate;
The reader cannot anticipate the text that will follow;
The review of literature was missing;
Poor reference to technology or technique application;
30.0 – 26.0
Clearly identifies the use of technology or method to improve the environmental practices.
Explain the technology or method mechanism used support your information with images drawings and graphs.
Relative images of the technology including a detailed explanation;
Use of technology or technique in in green engineering practices.
Green or technology is selected and the method of working and function of the technology is explained;
Images of the technology or added;
Use of technology or technique in in green engineering practices not clearly identified;
Green technology is selected only selected;
Images added are not clear and could not provide the needed information;
Poor explanation on the use of green technology in green engineering;
Technology or method selected are not appropriate for the task;
Poor support by the images added;
30.0 – 26.0
Results & Analysis
Discuss the topic in details and cover most of the important areas
All information is accurately reported using appropriate terminology, graphs and tables;
Analysis of results is clearly explained, and demonstrates superior understanding of the technology;
Well organized and presented;
Discuss the topic and focus on some important areas.
The analysis of results is adequately explained;
All information is reported using appropriate terminology and graphs;
Well organized and properly formatted and error free;
Briefly discuss the topic, many important areas are missing
Results partly answer the project questions;
Only a few information is reported using appropriate terminology and graphs;
Some degree of organization. Proper formatting and relatively error free;
Poor discussion for the topic, many points are missing.
Graphs and tables are incorrectly used or absent;
Analysis of results is poorly explained;
Poor organization and formatting;
15.0 – 14.0
13.0 – 10.0
9.0 – 5.0
4.0 – 0.0
Conclusions and recommendation
The conclusions are clearly stated and consistent with the evidence presented;
Conclusions highlight all the main points made throughout the report;
Many recommendations for future related activities are detailed;
The conclusions are consistent enough with the evidence presented;
Conclusions highlight most of the main points made throughout the report;
Adequate recommendations for future related activities are presented;
Only some conclusions are consistent with the evidence presented;
Conclusions highlight only a few main points of the report;
Some recommendations for future activities are presented;
Conclusions are incomplete;
Poor recommendations for future activities;
5.0 – 4.5
4.0 – 3.0
2.5 – 1.5
1.0 – 0.0
Compelling evidence from professionally legitimate sources is given to support claims;
Attribution is clear and fairly represented; References are primarily peer reviewed professional journals or other approved sources;
Professionally legitimate sources that support claims are generally present;
Attribution is, for the most part, clear and fairly represented;
Although most of the references are professionally legitimate, a few are questionable;
Although attributions are occasionally given, many statements seem unsubstantiated;
Most of the references are from sources that are not peer reviewed and have uncertain reliability; The reader is confused about the source of information and ideas;
References are seldom cited to support statements;
There are virtually no sources that are professionally reliable;
Assignment 2 Details:
vAssessment Type: Presentation
vWeighting :50% of the final grade
vLate rule :Not Applied
vType : Individual Assessment
vSubmission details :Soft Copy onto Moodle and in class presentation
vDue Date : 01-June-2024 16:00 hrs.
Learning outcomes (LOs):
[2]Demonstrate the important elements of presentation skills, and translate technical information into graphs, table flow charts.
Assignment 2: Presentation
Students should work in a group of two to develop technical presentation about technology, technique or method that could improve the environmental practices in order to reach stronger sustainable development within Bahrain (you should use the same technology discussed in Assignment 1). The presentation will discuss the ideas, technologies and methods used in assignment 1. Students might include one or two technologies based on the group suggestion.
Presentation Information:
Student should use Microsoft PowerPoint slideshow (PPT).
Presentation time is 5-7 minutes for each group, plus extra 3 minutes will be provided for questions.
Student should be prepared before the presentation.
Students should come with the suitable appearance for the presentation.
Presentation slides must be submitted to Moodle page before the presentation.
Students Must perform the presentation in class.
Each presentation should at least include:
1.Title slide: Include report title and student name
2.Introduction slide: Report introduction main ideas or aim.
3.Background slide: main information of the report.
4.Data representation slide: Most important data in the report (drawing, graphs, tables, ect…)
5.Conclusion slide: Conclusion and Summary of the main points in the report. (recommendation might be added)
Detailed Marking Rubric for Presentation (50% of Final Grade)
Organization and structure

All information is presented in a logical, interesting and novels sequence, which is easily followed.
Most information is presented in logical order which is easy to follow.
Difficult to follow presentation due to erratic topical shifts and jumps.
Not possible to understand presentation due to absence of structure.
Ability to engage and involve audience

Holds attention of entire audience with the use of direct eye contact, seldom looking at notes.
Consistent use of direct eye contact with audience, but still returns to notes.
Displayed minimal eye contact with audience, while reading mostly from the notes.
No eye contact with audience, as entire report is read from notes.
15 – 12.5
12 – 10.5
10 – 8.5
Speaking Skills
Clear voice and correct, precise pronunciation of terms.
Voice is clear and at a proper level. Most words pronounced
Occasional mispronunciation of terms. Voice not at a proper level
Significant mumbling and
Incorrect pronunciation of
terms. Voice level too low or too high.
8 – 7
6.5 – 6
5.5 – 0.0
Presentation quality
Very good quality of slides that explain and reinforce all the topics
Quite good quality of slides. Most of the topics are reinforced.
The quality of slide wasn’t good enough, and not well related
Very bad quality of slides, not related at all
20 – 17
13 – 12
11 – 0
Answering questions from audience
All Questions answered. Very good knowledge of the topic was demonstrated. Language was correct and fluent.
Most questions answered with a little difficulty Language was mainly correct.
Some questions answered, with many difficulties. Language wasn’t so correct and shows a lack of knowledge of the topic.
Almost none of the questions could be answered. Little or no knowledge of the topic was demonstrated.
8 – 7
6.5 – 6
5.5 – 0.0
Presentation length
+/– 2 minutes
+/– 4 minutes
+/– 6 minutes
Too long or too
8 – 7
6.5 – 6
5.5 – 0.0
Appearance is satisfied for the circumstances
Appearance is too casual
for the circumstances
Inappropriate attire,
slovenly or too revealing

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