First, read through this detailed history of the condition GAD, paying particula

First, read through this detailed history of the condition GAD, paying particular attention to the points of contention/ areas of concern in delineating the disorder from other conditions. Then skim these articles on the overlap of GAD and MDD and whether anxiety should actually be a mood disorder.
Read through the main diagnostic tools for identifying GAD, the DSM and ICD-11. As you do, pay particular attention to how (1) they are different from each other and (2) how these diagnostic criteria try to say what the disorder is not.
Find one contemporary research article on GAD and skim it for recent findings
Synthesize the materials from the first three steps to construct a 2-3 page (double spaced) paper to argue whether or not you think Generalized Anxiety Disorder is “really” a disorder.
Remember, you need to support your argument with evidence both from the diagnostic tools and the discussion of the history. Be careful to clearly cite the sources you use (in APA Format).

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