Observation: Theme (technological control) 1- This paper demands a specific them

Observation: Theme (technological control) 1- This paper demands a specific theme – what form of technological control in “Brave New World” will your paper describe as its opening theme? Remember that a theme is a statement of the text’s meaning, or an underlying message the story sends. Answer this in a paragraph length response. 2- Which parts of your text most clearly convey this theme to readers? Which parts of the book are evidence of your theme? Answer this question with a list of notable scenes, with page numbers and quotes. Conclusion: Thematic Result 3- This paper requires discussion of a specific result: what cultural effect does your technological control have on the people of Brave New World? How does it influence them? Think of your theme as a cause; what is the effect? Answering this requires you to apply your theme to other parts of the book. Answer in a paragraph length response. 4- What in the text conveys this result to readers? Which parts of the book will you use to provide evidence of your theme’s result? Tip: your theme about technological control should be creating a cultural responce in other parts of the book; look to parts of the story your prior examples do not address. Answer with a list of notable scenes, with page numbers and quotes.

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