You will rewrite part of a short story that we have read over the semester. This

You will rewrite part of a short story that we have read over the semester. This revision can alter a scene completely and/or can be a new addition to the existing narrative. This will be a two-part project that will involve the revision (part one) and an explication of the revision and the choices you made as the author (part two). The revised or additional scene(s) in the chosen novel should be substantial and read like a completely new part of the work (~3-4 pages), and the explication should clarify how/why you approached the revision in the way you did (~1-2 pages). Your choices to revise the original work should go beyond personal preference — your explanation should give readers a chance to understand how the revision connects with a broader history of Asian American literary and cultural representation and authorship.

There is no need for a header or sources or any formatting. Just make sure you reach 5 whole pages double spaced.
Choose one of the following three options and rewrite that option:
“Black-Eyed Women” by Viet Thanh Nguyen

“Its Wavering Image” (pg 85 – 94)

“In the Land of the Free” (pg 161 – 177)

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