As we bring our class to a close, look at some of the “tools” that we as aviator

As we bring our class to a close, look at some of the “tools” that we as aviators use to make our cockpits safer, such as Crew Resource Management and Threat Error Management. Given an explanation, in your own words, how these tools have changed the way emergencies, abnormal operations, and threats are handled today as opposed to the days when the captain was always right! What do you think of this quote from David Beaty’s book, The Naked Pilot: “the machine, the technology, has advanced more in a hundred years than man’s brain has in a hundred thousand.”? Lastly, the Bible tells us that we are to be open to criticism and respectful to others. At the same time, we must not remain silent when circumstances arise that affect the aircraft’s safe operation or a conflict among crew members or passengers happens. Explain your thoughts on this dichotomy and cite a Scripture verse to support your ideas.

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