For this assignment, we need to write a 2.5-page note about just one monument on

For this assignment, we need to write a 2.5-page note about just one monument on al-Mu‘izz Street (between al-Hakim mosque and Azhar Street). I went for a walk on al-Mu‘izz Street to look at the monuments, so the note has to be written in the first person. I haven’t chosen any monument so you can look up the monuments on al-Mu‘izz Street built before the year 1600 and write about it as if you who went for the walk. For the monument you chose you should look it up and learn something about it separately.
So the note should be about something that struck you during the walk—an institution we visited/discussed (or some aspect of it); the width or shape of the street (al-Mu‘izz Street today, aka Bayn al-Qasrayn); the aesthetic style or entrance of a monument, etc.
This is not an essay: it is a note about your personal experience of something on the walk.
Below, you’ll find the professor’s tips on how to write better essays. This is very important as he is a very tough grader, and I really need to get the highest mark in this, as I got a D grade in both my midterms.
Thank you in advance. Looking forward to reading the writing.

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