Module 13: Leaders Can’t Lead without Followers In this module, you will examin

Module 13: Leaders Can’t Lead without Followers
In this module, you will examine leadership and the effects of human behavior on successful leadership, including the various behaviors that affect real-world leaders today, such as followership. You will also revisit the topic of management and leadership and how leaders and managers fit together.
Discussion Question
Question Requirements:
In organizations, most employees willingly accept following leaders to help them achieve their goals. Think about followership and its typologies Northouse (2022, p. 427): see attached textbook
Review each typology (Zaleznik, Kelley, Chaleff and Kellerman), and select one behavior that defines a follower. Discuss details about the behavior selected.
Discuss which leadership style studied this term is best suited for the selected followers’ behavior and how this behavior impacts the organization?
How can leaders develop followership?
Discuss the concepts, principles, and theories from your textbook. Cite your textbooks and cite any other sources.
Write a discussion that includes an introduction paragraph, the body, and a conclusion paragraph to address the assignment’s guide questions.
Your initial post should address all components of the question with a 600 word limit.

Learning Outcomes
Analyze the psychodynamic approach to leadership.
Examine approaches to and typologies of followership.
Leadership: Theory and Practice: Review Chapter 13: Followership
Riggio, R.E. (2022, March 13). 5 leader behaviors that are guaranteed to de-motivate you. Psychology Today.
Williams, B. (2021, May 16). When Leaders Need To Be Followers. Forbes.
Chapter 13 PowerPoint slides – Leadership: Theory and Practice

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