It is anticipated that the initial discussion post should be in the range of 25

It is anticipated that the initial discussion post should be in the range of 250-300 words. Response posts to peers have no minimum word requirement but must demonstrate topic knowledge and scholarly engagement with peers. Substantive content is imperative for all posts. All discussion prompt elements for the topic must be addressed. Please proofread your response carefully for grammar and spelling. Do not upload any attachments unless specified in the instructions. 
In this unit, you are learning about disaster preparedness, which is an important component of community health nursing and the nursing profession.  For this discussion, respond to the following:
Pick a federal, state, or local disaster agency, such as The Red Cross or FEMA, and describe its role in responding to a range of emergencies that might arise.
What is disaster preparedness, as it relates to the nursing profession?
Identify 2 emergency response functions or roles and how they could be demonstrated in an emergency response drill.
Describe 3 examples in which your community agencies currently respond to emergent situations.

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