ASSIGNMENT: ( ALSO SEE INSTRUCTIONS) Select a Fortune 500 company and complete the following part I of the strategic audit. The company must be a real and existing company (fictional companies are not accepted).
Current Situation
Current Performance: How did the corporation perform in the past year overall in terms of return on investment, market share, and profitability?
What are the corporation’s current mission, objectives, strategies, and policies?
Are they clearly stated, or are they merely implied from performance?
Mission: What business(es) is the corporation in? Why?
Are the current mission and objectives appropriate in light of the key strategic factors and problems?
Should the mission and objectives be changed? If so, how?
If they are changed, what will be the effects on the firm?
Objectives: What are the corporate, business, and functional objectives? Are they consistent with each other, and with the mission?
What strategy or mix of strategies is the corporation following? Are they consistent with each other, and with the mission?
What are the corporation’s policies? Are they consistent with each other, with the mission, objectives, and strategies?
Do the current mission, objectives, strategies, and policies reflect the corporation’s international operations, whether global or multi-domestic?
InstructionsB*****, there will be other assignments added to complete as I will choose the same writer as this is a Project.This project will reflect your educational journey through the School of Business. The purpose of this paper is to allow you to showcase your business knowledge as you work to produce a final project. You will have the opportunity to choose a Fortune 500 company to study and complete a strategic audit.
Utilizing our textbook, school library, and other scholarly materials, you will prepare a minimum of 20 double-spaced page papers (not including title page, references, or appendices) following APA guidelines. This paper should demonstrate analytical and critical thinking and should be well-organized and well-researched.
In week 8, you will submit a 20 double-spaced page paper of the completed strategic audit and a minimum of 15 slides of voice-recorded PowerPoint presentation.
There are six parts to this strategic audit. The important thing to know is that they all MUST be submitted to receive credit. You are not allowed to submit part one and then skip part two or three to jump to part five. You are also NOT allowed to wait until week 8 to submit all the parts. Each part MUST be submitted in the week it is due.
This strategic audit is not only for the purposes of earning a grade but also for showing prospective employers that you have a sound understanding of strategy and have the knowledge and analytical skills to develop a strategy and conduct strategic audits. You’d be surprised how helpful this work of yours can be in finding the job of your dreams.

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