Below I will copy and paste the sources I have to use and all the instructions t

Below I will copy and paste the sources I have to use and all the instructions that come for the paper. I have to use the primary source given and then at least 3 secondary sources which I will list. There is a paragraph in the instructions below about this being the first ethical theory paper I’ve done so it does not have to sound professional…this is definitely my first ethical class and very last ethical class I will take. The irony of using this service for this paper is not lost on me but I’m in the middle of an anatomy class that is more important for my degree. Thank you!
Primary source: Aristotle, The Nicomachean Ethics
Secondary sources (2 or 3 required):
One source that can help with reading Aristotle is the ebook “The Essence of Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics.” This book walks through Aristotle’s writing and puts it in terms that are easier for readers today. It also has a nice introduction to Aristotle’s writing and a short biographical sketch on Aristotle.
Dimmock, Mark and Andrew Fisher, “Aristotelian Virtue Ethics” from Ethics for A-Level
Abelson, Raziel and Kai Neilson, “Ethics, History of” from the Encyclopedia of Philosophy; use section on Aristotle.
Joe, Sachs, “Aristotle: Ethics”from the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Kraut, Richard, “Aristotle’s Ethics” from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
The Purpose of this assignment
The Ethical Theory Paper is designed to give you the opportunity to:
1. Part 1: Explain and analyze the writing of at least one philosopher about an ethical theory to which that philosopher was a major contributor. In your explanation you show you comprehend and can interpret both primary and secondary sources on the philosopher’s ethical theory. You also demonstrate understanding of the historical and cultural context in which it arose.
• Part 2: Either:
o Examine the response of another philosopher to your chosen philosopher’s work on the ethical theory OR
o Apply your chosen philosopher’s ethical theory as a way to deal with a major ethical concern
• Part 3: Assess the ethical theory based on your own ethical thinking and either assess the responding philosopher’s perspective or the adequacy of the ethical theory to deal with the ethical concern, depending on which option you chose for Part 2
Your paper must also include a short introduction and conclusion (2-3 paragraphs each)
Skills to be gained:
In completing this assignment, you will build skills that will benefit you in school, as you produce a formal paper, as well as in your professional work. You also will be on your way to earning an A or a B in class, depending on the rest of your class work.
Specifically, you will:
• Gain a deeper understanding of ethical concepts, and some of the ways philosophers approach and think about ethical concerns
• Describe the importance of the historical and cultural contexts in which a theory is developed
• Apply what you have learned in class to a specific ethical theory
• Analyze one ethical theory and either a response to it, or its application to an ethical concern
• Evaluate the theory and the response or application
Knowledge to be gained:
This assignment help you become familiar with important content knowledge in philosophy, such as
• The details of a particular ethical theory and one philosopher’s version of that theory
• The ways other philosophers respond to a theory, or the ways a theory can be put into practice. In both cases, you will see more pros and cons in relation to the theory under consideration
• The terminology used by philosophers in working on ethical theory
Note that if you have not taken a Philosophy class before, this may be your first time doing formal philosophical writing. As such, you are expected to not sound like a professional philosopher, but rather to show you are engaged with philosophical ideas.
The Task to complete this assignment
• You choose one philosopher from the provided list.
• You read two secondary sources from the list in the appendix about the philosopher’s ethical theory
• You read at least some of the primary source listed in the appendix written by the philosopher
• You look at either:
o a secondary source provided where a later philosopher responds to the ethical theory OR
o you identify an issue of major ethical concern and read on how this theory can be used to address that concern
• You produce a draft of your paper. The draft should have at least an outline and abstract of the paper, and ideally will include some or all of the text of the paper as well. It must include all sources (one primary source, three secondary sources), in full MLA format. It should include at least an outline of all three major parts of the paper listed above.
• You get feedback on the draft
• Once you have feedback, if your draft score is high enough, you produce your paper, using the feedback; if there is too much missing from the draft and/or there are major errors or problems in the writing, you may have to resubmit the draft before being able to submit the final version
• Important note: you cannot submit a final version of the paper without an acceptable draft version. The Final Version is only accepted in Moodle.
Details of Your Assignment:
• Write a 1250-to-1500-word essay—roughly 5-6 typed, double-spaced pages.
• You may choose any one of the five theories/seven philosophers listed in the appendix
• You are to read and make use of two of the secondary works listed in the appendix, to help you write about the philosopher’s ethical, as well as looking at the positives and negatives of the theory.
• You must also use the piece of the philosopher’s own writing on ethics found in the appendix.
• For Part 2, you can either read one of the secondary sources indicated in the appendix, or if you want to look at a major ethical concern, you can find a credible source that discusses the philosopher’s ethical theory in relation to the concern.
In your paper, you are answering the following questions:
• Part 1: What is my philosopher’s theory about how people “do ethics”, or how they should “do ethics”?
Use secondary sources to help you understand the primary source of the philosopher’s writing; be sure you are also using the primary source, including quoting it directly. Write at least two pages for this section.
• Part 2 Either: What does at least one other philosopher say about my philosopher’s theory of ethics? In this part of the paper, you are evaluating the approach of your philosopher, using the writing of that other philosopher.
Or Part 2: How would my philosopher’s ethical theory guide someone in making decisions in relation to a major ethical concern? Write at least two pages for this section.
• What do I think about this theory? How do the ideas of my philosopher challenge my own ideas about Ethics? If I chose a second philosopher, how do those ideas challenge my own ideas about Ethics? Or how does my philosopher’s ethical perspective help in thinking ethical about a concern? How do I assess the ethical ideas I am working with? Do not merely echo what other people say; use your own creative and informed philosophical judgment to move beyond what you have read. This is your chance to build your own philosophic skills, and should be at least one page.
Important points
• Your paper needs to be at least 1250 words, but no more than 1625, which is 5-6 pages of content, based on about 250 words/page. Titles and works cited should not be included in the word count. Aim for a standard academic writing style, with correct spelling and inclusive language.
• You need to include a “Works Cited” page, separate from the text of the paper. In it, include any source of both ideas about the topic and actual quotes used in the paper. These should be done in MLA style (see the library homepage for a guide).
• If you use materials for background research beyond those given in class, include, below the ‘Works Cited’, a list, in MLA format, of “Other Works Consulted.”
• Your paper must include an introduction and conclusion, summary sentences, clear antecedents for pronouns, and solid reasons to support your conclusions.

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