To help integrate what you are learning each week, as well as to help you illust

To help integrate what you are learning each week, as well as to help you illustrate your growing subject matter expertise, you’ll complete a weekly blog-style post that focuses in some way on one or more of the topics covered that week. Each post must be a minimum of 100 words in length (including the post title) with no maximum limitation. They should be tailored to fit the personal/professional brand or expertise that you’re trying to develop. Note that later this academic term (and beyond), you’ll begin to upload all of your posts (for this course and all other courses) to the website that you will be developing in this course.
Your weekly application posts should go beyond merely reiterating what was covered in the course materials. They should show your target audience(s) how to apply marketing concepts, techniques, or technologies to real-world problems or opportunities for which they have an interest. Your posts can be serious, light-hearted, tell stories or experiences, give advice, offer critiques of marketing practices you encounter, make comparisons across companies or techniques, describe innovative marketing practices, predict the future of marketing, etc. The key is that they must (1) be informative to your target audiences, (2) pertain to the week’s material for this course by using one of the provided prompts, and (3) be in your own words from your own perspective. Do NOT write “academic” essays with multiple references. People normally don’t want to read those. (You must, however, reference any other sources that are used, but you should NOT be using many other sources.) Remember that the tone, style, voice, and mood of your writing is up to you, but you should always consider what would work best for your target audiences. You may even decide to have a general theme to your posts, perhaps staying focused on a particular industry or region or marketplace.
Posts must include an original title (do NOT use the prompt as a title) and have proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Also, they should NOT indicate your student status (see the syllabus).
To receive credit for each weekly application post, it must be completed as instructed and then submitted on time: by 11:59:00pm on the due date. No late submissions will be accepted for credit. Submit the assignment using the appropriate link in the Assignments section of Canvas. (Note that the scores for the assignments will be averaged for a collective maximum of 5 percentage points. Also, keep in mind the grading scale for this assignment as noted in the syllabus.Ideas for this week’s Application Post
To earn credit for the weekly application post, you must write about one of the topics referenced below. After your post (or in the submission comments), list the instruction prompt you used so it’s clear which one you wrote about. (Not listing your instruction prompt will reduce your score by 1 point.)
How marketing communication sometimes relies on the smallest elements.
How particular marketing communication elements differentially affect target segments.
Choose one of the elements from the Krause Visual Design book and discuss how it could affect audiences in your industry.
Compare and contrast two different elements from the Krause Visual Design book and why they matter to marketers.
Consider how new technology is blending communication formats.
Support or take issue with Ann Handley’s comments on video versus written content.
Will virtual reality really change how marketers tell stories?
Is “Trojan Horse Marketing” unethical, or is it just part of doing business?
Why is video advertising becoming so popular?
Do you have YOUR OWN take on why videos become viral?
Explain the cases when viral videos could have negative impacts on brands.
Discuss the pitfalls of video advertising as opposed to print or static visual communication.
Discuss one or more aspects from what you learned during your Google Ads studying.
Discuss the marketing/communication/sales funnel for your industry.
Why is planning important to website creation?

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