Journal Article Activity (Post response in Canvas) Due: May 5, 2024 Roy, C. (20

Journal Article Activity (Post response in Canvas) Due: May 5, 2024 Roy, C. (2000). A theorist envisions the future and speaks to nursing administrators. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 24(2), 1–12.Roy article.pdfDownload Roy article.pdf
Review Roy’s (2000) discussion of how she envisions the future of nursing and nursing administration.
a. How does Roy describe the relevance of theory in nursing’s future?
b. The article was published more than a decade ago. How were her predictions fulfilled?
c. What happened as she anticipated? What did not?
d. Suggest what changes in nursing administration, practice, research, and education you think will transpire over the next decade. How should theory be part of this evolution?

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