Roughly 4 pages, 2000 words Your paper should flow smoothly from one topic to th

Roughly 4 pages, 2000 words Your paper should flow smoothly
from one topic to the next. A.) What are 2-3 major historical agricultural failures. You
can explain as many as you think necessary, but plant pathology is the focus. Other
types of agricultural failures can be included. This is your introduction. B.) What is the
outlook for future failures of an agricultural or plant pathological nature? That is, are
we going to make the same mistakes or make new mistakes? And why? This is where
you speculate based on your references. This is the main body of the paper. C.) What
should our approach be to reduce future losses from plant pathogens? Is there any
hope or are we doomed to repeat the past? This is where you conclude the paper. Using the attached files and other references

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