1st document: The Questions file contains the questions I got wrong. Use the attached zip folder to explain why I got the answer wrong and say which document you got it from. You have to use the attached documents in the zip to explain why I got the answer wrong and put what the correct answer is. The professor said “Take a screenshot of every question you have missed. Paste it to a word document. You may google or search YouTube if you do not know how to make a screenshot. Below each question explain why you now realize how you got the answer incorrect. Every question on the exam has an explanation on how it should be answered on the final exam discussion board or one of my exam keys provided with most homework assignments. ”
I also attached my exam discussion board.
2nd document: In order to receive credit for this discussion board you must carry-out an SPSS analysis, post it here and then interpret the findings. Or, you may also post two word problems with answers and explanation for credit (two word problems on the SAME post).
Put the 1st and 2nd documents in separate documents
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