I really need someone with strong paper writing skills with expertise in histor

I really need someone with strong paper writing skills with expertise in history and/or anthropology!
Write a minimum five-page double-spaced paper about the history of cannibalism in Fiji. The page count does not include the cover page and references section.
Look into the religious and/or cultural rituals behind the cannibalism, what tribes were doing it, the hierarchical dynamics, the weapons used, tactics used, etc. Include the typical who, what, when, where and how. Also include how it ended with European Chrsitian missionaries coming in and spreading Christianity.
There is a superstition about “curse islands”, because of the cannibalization of a Christian priest. You could talk a bit about that as well.
It must be in APA format.
This is an anthropology class that specializes in cannibalism, so it is perfectly okay if everything is detailed and graphic.
I will provide you with sources later, but feel free to add more sources, as needed for you.

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