Points will be awarded for correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, and coherence

Points will be awarded for correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, and coherence/clarity of writing.
Choose a health subject that you want to study for this report. You will need to find the data and
enter it into SPSS. The Centers for Disease Control website (www.cdc.gov) has some data that
might be interesting to you. Once on the site, you can search for “Summary of Notifiable
Infectious Diseases and Conditions” which is published on an annual basis. You may want to
view the data for a particular Health Issue over a period of years, such as by comparing 2011’s
report with 2014’s report.
Here is a link to CDC annual reports.
The California Health Information
Survey https://healthpolicy.ucla.edu/Pages/AskCHIS.aspx also has available data for
You will need to create an account to access the data set if you haven’t already created
For this report, you will:
• Conduct a Significance Test on that data using SPSS.
• Create a Report using Microsoft Word which will contain the following
four Sections: “Purpose”, “Methods”, “Analysis and Results”, and “Conclusion”.
What is the purpose of your report?
• Describe the subject and its importance
• Describe the population or the sample
• Describe what it is you want to show statistically
• Describe the Null Hypothesis and the Alternate Hypothesis
What statistical tools will you employ?
• Describe what SPSS tools you will use
• Describe why you chose the particular tools
Analysis and Results (30-pts): Describe what SPSS showed and what was the outcome.
• Describe the results of the statistical analysis: Mean, Std. Dev., Standard Error, p-value,
• Show Tables, Charts, Box Plots, and Graphs, as necessary, to visually show the results
Conclusion : What statement or statements would you make about the subject?
• Did you Fail to Reject Ho or did you Reject Ho?
•Did you find a Significant Difference?
• describe the results as it relates to the chosen subject
• Describe what your Next Steps would be.
Quality of the Report
• The flow of the report
• Coherence and clarity of argument
• Written in 3rd person (no we, I, they, etc.)
• Spelling (use spell check)
• Use of proper grammar
Please make sure to use APA 7th edition format and write 5 pages double-spaced at minimum.

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